DLL Minion
Spawned from posts #90 to #94 and #108 in the main "Community DLL for BNW" thread
The following are candidates for "things" that can / could have pre-reqs
And those "things" which are / could be used as pre-reqs
Please post if you think anything has been missed off either list
Holy Grail 3: Unified Prerequisites.
Anything in the game : buildings, units, promotions, wonders ...(what did i forget) should have prerequisites that can be selected from any or all of technology, social policy, religious belief, wonder ... (i certainly forgot something)
Why not have a policy allow you to select a specific promotion, or a crusader promotion available only if some belief is in your main religion, or special units only available after you build a national wonder ... Currently some of those are only possible with lots of hacky Lua and dummy stuff.
While I'm against dummy stuff, I'm also against adding many new columns to tables - prereqTech, prereqBelief, prereqPolicy, prereqResolution, etc - as by definition these are singular so really should be added as secondary tables - Unit_PrereqTech, Unit_PrereqBelief, Unit_PrereqPolicy, etc - and I'm against adding those as they are limited by our current knowledge of the game (what happens when a modder adds "WonderFluff" and that becomes a prereq?). Especially when a few new Lua events - PlayerCanXyz/CityCanXyz - can handle all current and future possibilities.
From your "hacky" comment, what is also obviously needed (in addition to any new events) is an improved Lua API to make writing the code, not necessarily easier, but more pleasant - pPlayer:HasTech(), pPlayer:HasPolicy(), pPlayer:HasBelief(), etc.
The following are candidates for "things" that can / could have pre-reqs
- Beliefs
- Buildings
- Builds
- GoodyHuts
- GreatWorks
- Improvements
- LeagueProjects
- Policies
- PolicyBranchTypes
- Processes
- Projects
- Relations (war/peace)
- Religions
- Resolutions
- Routes
- Specialists
- Technologies
- UnitPromotions
- Units
And those "things" which are / could be used as pre-reqs
- Beliefs
- Buildings (type and class)
- Civilization
- Eras
- Features (forest, marsh, oasis, ice, etc to include fakes - lakes, rivers, etc)
- Improvements
- Plot (mountails, hills, flat, ocean)
- Policies
- PolicyBranchTypes
- Projects
- Relations (war/peace)
- Religion (founded/enhanced)
- Resolutions
- Resource
- Routes
- Specialists
- Technologies
- Terrains (grass, plains, desert, snow, etc)
- Trade Routes
- UnitPromotions
- Units (type and class)
Please post if you think anything has been missed off either list