Unique Buildings *New*

What about just Naval Yard? Does that work?
Is the mod intended to be played on 'standard' BtS maps, or will it be played on a Middle Earth map as the intended design? If on a middle earth map, what period is used? Will it include Aman (Vanyar) and Numenor?

The reason I bring this up here is play balance. I'm not sure if the intention is to make all of the Civ's balanced from a play standpoint, but in stadard BtS type games, many of the naval advantages could be a little weaker. Therefore, the Teleri and the Numenorians may be a little shortchanged.

If we use a Second age map, for instance, presumably Numenor would be on an island to the West. (If they sail farther west out of sight of the island ....) Anyway, on an island these characteristics could be good. Being on an island in Civ gives both advantages and disadvantages

Good - can build up without worrying about outside attack, plenty of ability to expand
Bad - Without contact can fall behind, hard to stop a monster Civ from forming onthe mainland.

Anyway, depending on how these factors line -up, we can decide if we should boost them. The Lanun in FfH are very powerful becasue of their Pirates Coves, we could make a weaker version for sea-borne trade. This could be useful if the game is played on standard BtS maps. Obviously, the opposite is true with archipelago, where the sea traits become very powerful.

Best wishes,


Random Map is a deffinate for the first release :D

If we can, we would also like to include an Arda Map as well with preplaced Civs, but also perhaps have it available for a Random Game. Beyond that, it would be nice for specific Age Maps, but we want to get this working and out before worrying to much about that. Pariah is working on one now, so hopefully he can come up with something fantastic.
Is this list done? Then it would be a good idea to add some specifics to them.
I'm good with it.
Have any of you seen Infuenced War Mod? Sorry, but I don't have a link, but it would work pretty well with this: for example, Rohan have have a UB that gives free Horse Units when an enemy pillages some infranstructure and gained land: Numenor can get sea-based levies against sea attacks. Gondor can get heavy infantry. If you really want to check it out, there is a link in the ROM modmods under Revolucion DCM for RoM.
Influence driven war is a seperate download as well I think. I play my normal BtS games always with this on. It works quite well. The idea is that every battle (including a pillage) gives you more influence over that particular tile/area. This way by fighting you can increase your influence and losing battles will have you lose influence. I don't know about the code, I think it is DLL changes and it would have to be adapted to work in the FFH2 framework (which it currently doesn't).
Does anyone have a link to the source/mod? (yeah, I'm lazy)
I like it. Let's plunk it on the todo list.
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