[R&F] Unique Palace Buildings


Oct 24, 2014
Hello fellow modders

I was trying to change the city look for my modded civilization, and I wanted to use Poland's unique palace, but I can't seem to find in what artdef it is defined. I also can't find it in the asset editor, but I can find e.g. Australia's.

Does anyone know how I would go about changing the palace?
I've had the same question (though for basegame). Thecrazyscot suggested to me in another thread that it's defined elsewhere in the artdefs but so far I've come up empty on figuring it out.

Edit: I assume you're talking about the actual unique palaces (like spain) and not just the default palace of each culture in cultures.artdef - that one will get you:

1. Basic european (no culture set)
2. Egyptian (NorthAfrican)
3. Greek (Mediterranean)
4. Castle (Scottish)
5. Domed Arabian look (Mughal)
6. Pyramid fortress (SouthAfrican)
7. Golden temple thing (Indonesian)
8. Russian palace (Baltic)
9. Aztec temple (SouthAmerican)
10. White house (America)
11. Chinese style (SoutheastAsian)
12. Japanese style (EastAsian)

Additional "unique" ones I've seen but don't know how to access for mods are Spain's (U shaped double decker) and England's (Parliament domed top thing). There might be more.
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Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I was talking about the unique ones, which are (afaik) not defined in the cultures artdef. This seems to be a tough nut to crack for me.
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Yeah, I almost think it's not actually in an artdef because I've gone through almost all of them and haven't found one that makes sense for it. If you figure it out, update here, I will too.

Edit: Got an idea to check the autralia dlc since I know it has a unique palace and cuts down on available entries to scroll through. This entry in landmarks.artdef might be the hint:

<Element class="AssetObjects..BLPEntryValue">
<m_EntryName text="DIS_CTY_RAU_Palace"/>
<m_XLPClass text="TileBase"/>
<m_XLPPath text="Tilebases.xlp"/>
<m_BLPPackage text="landmarks/tilebases"/>
<m_LibraryName text="TileBase"/>
<m_ParamName text="Asset"/>

I'll have to investigate further.

Edit2: Yup - guess I never thought to open landmarks.artdef. In the asset editor, it's all there under districts>district_city_center>buildingvariants. I feel dumb now - this tripped me up for a week.

Just from a glance it looks like you can culture tag the culture from cultures.artdef or civilization from civilizations.artdef and the latter would override the former. I assume that's how it's controlled but I'll have to test to be sure. In the basegame it looks like Spain, Sumeria and England get unique palaces. I don't have R&F or most of the civ dlcs so it might be more in yours.
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It's impossible to import dlc assets into the asset editor. Hopefully Firaxis will give access to them one day, but who knows.
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