Unit Modification: Civ-Colored Junk


Moo, baby. Moo.
Nov 30, 2002
CFC or playing DyP
After a request by aaglo, I have modified TVA22's excellent junk unit by colorizing the sails in civ-specific colors.

Download the zip (1.5MB)

Here are composite previews of the 5 FLCs in the 5 different included styles, each in 8 civ colors. Some of the previews are a bit truncated due to Flc2Gif issues; also, the attack preview is from before I resolved the ghost image problem, and the fidget preview is out of order, but they should at least give you a feel for the colorations. Additionally, here is the older attack animation from the original unit coloration.

  • [*] Attack; Original Coloration
    [*] Attack; Alternating Dark & Light
    [*] Death; Alternating Dark & Original
    [*] Default: Uniformly Dark
    [*]Fidget: Uniformly Light
    [*]Run: Uniformly Medium

Download the zip (1.5MB)
And here is the included Readme which tells far more than you probably want to know:

Civ-Colored Junk, version 1.0, by pdescobar 
A modification of TVA22's Junk Unit for Civ3. 

Permission is granted to do pretty much whatever you want with this unit
long as credit is given to both myself and TVA22 in the documentation of 
anything you distribute.

version 1.0
 - Initial Release, 03 April 2003


This is a modification of TVA22's wonderful Junk civ3 unit to add
civ-specific coloring to the sails. This archive contains the unit 
in its original color scheme as well as 5 different civ-colored

 What's changed from the original unit: 
  - The AttackA FLC has been modified to remove some "flickering" of the
    shadows and the arrows in the N and NW directions have been altered to
    stay at least 3 pixels away from the frame's right edge to work around
    a Flicster bug which causes "ghost images" to remain in subsequent
  - References to JunkFidget.wav have been removed from the INI file(s).
  - Filenames of the original INI file and FLC animations have been
    renamed to start with "Original_" 

 What's the same from the original unit:
  - The 3 sound files (JunkAttack.wav, JunkRun.wav, and JunkDeath.wav)
    have not been altered in any way.
  - The other 4 animations (Run, Default, Death, and Fidget) have not
    been altered in any way other than their filenames.

 What's been added to the original unit:
  - The modified AttackA FLC and the 4 unaltered FLCs (Run, Default,
    Death, and Fidget) have been colorized in 5 different color
    schemes. These are:
    -- UniformDark: The entire sail has been tinted with dark tones of
       the civ-specific color (palette positions 8-13)
    -- UniformMed: The entire sail has been tinted with medium tones of
       the civ-specific color (palette positions 4-9)
    -- UniformLight: The entire sail has been tinted with light tones of
       the civ-specific color (palette positions 0-5)
    -- Alternating: The sail has been tinted by alternating panels
       of the civ-specific dark tones with the civ-specific light tones
    -- AlternatingDarkWithOrig: The sail has been tinted by
       alternating panels of the civ-specific dark tones with the
       original tan sail color.
  - Note that while the colors of the sails have changed, every effort
    has been made to maintain the original shading in terms of what
    spots are dark and what spots are light in order to keep this new
    look as consistent as possible with the original unit.
  - Icons for the units_32.pcx file have been added. Note, however,
    that no separate Civilopedia icons have been created.


This Zipfile contains the following: 
 - File: "CivColoredJunk.txt" ; the file you are reading.
 - Folder: "Extras"
   -- Contains five palette files which were be used to generate the
      different colorations from a single set of PCX files as well as
      a set of icons for the units_32.pcx file. There is an icon for
      each color scheme, including the original, sized to fit the
      Zulu_Mega_Units_32 version of units_32.pcx (32x32 pixels)
 - Folder: "Junk"
   -- Contins the original 3 sound files and 
   -- Contains 5 FLCs plus an INI file for each of the 6 color
      schemes, including the original. 


The "Junk" Folder should be placed in your "Art\Units" folder. This is
the folder where unit animations are stored for your version of
civ3. If you installed Civ3 to the default location, this folder would
be "C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Art\Units" 
If you have PTW, it can also be installed to the PTW Art\Units folder
if you only intend to use it with PTW or to a subfolder for a scenario
if you only intend to use it with that scenario.

Additionally, the appropriate ini file for your preferred color scheme
within this "Junk" folder should be renamed (or copied) to "Junk.ini"

Then you can add the unit to your game as "Junk" and can switch
between the different colorations simply by renaming the ini files.

If you do not know the proper procedure for adding the unit to the
game using the editor and the civ3 textfiles, there are some helpful
tutorials on the Civ3 fan websites.

For regular civ3, check Kryten's tutorial at CFC:
and for PTW, check Kingpin's tutorial at CDG:

Notes on Palette Extras

If you choose to modify the animations on your own, the included
palette files allow you to easily propagate your changes to the other
color schemes if you have Paint Shop Pro. What you need to do is make
sure you use the Alternating (Dark and Light Civ-colors) animations to
do any editing. If you edit the storyboard PCX generated by Flicster
in Paint Shop Pro, after you make your changes, save a second copy of the
storyboard. Then apply the light-to-original transition palette to the
image using the "maintain indexes" method, and follow that by applying
the "standard" palette with the "nearest color" method. This
storyboard can now be used to generate the AlternatingDarkWithOrig
animation. Now, go back to the Alternating storyboard and do the same
double-palette switch using the light-to-dark transition to make the
UniformDark animation, and so on to get UniformMed, UniformLight,
and finally Original.
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