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UNIT: Phalanx


Nov 20, 2001
The one with the most votes from the AoE poll was the Phalanx.

Come complete with Run, Death, Default and Attack anims.

Any problems just shout.


  • phalanx.zip
    148.7 KB · Views: 1,782
That was fast work Jimmyh!:goodjob:

I'll put my Macedonian pikeman on hold for the moment (it's taken me two months so far:eek: ) and get started on the Peltast.

Keep 'em coming:D
How can i add this unit to my units_32.pcx

This unit looks far better in the game than it does in the preview! Great job! I've made it a Roman "flavour unit" replacing the Spearman.
u guys r idiots the greek hoplite is the phalanx that was a waste of time u morons when its already in the game its just called the hoplite not the phalanx hahahahahhahahahahaha
that's no reason to belittle someone's effort - we can just as easily call it something else - does it even look like Firaxis's hoplite? No it doesn't...
Originally posted by zulu9812
so is this dude banned forever????
The Greek Hoplite formed a fighting group known as a Phalanx.. in all reality in Civ 3 an "army" of hoplites would be a Phalanx. Maybe in the Xp you will be able to make a unit that is more than one unit? LOL!!! perhaps?
This goes out to Palehorse and/or Cunnobelin of Hippo.. I noticed that under {virus}'s name it sais "perm banned" I thought it would be neet to put that under my name. Would this be breaking aby rules.. or would it make you angry? I do not want to be banned!
Wait, I'm confused. I always thought that that guy was carrying a sword . . . . .
Old or not, I like the unit. I don't know if anyone noticed, but it looks a lot like a 3D version of the Civ2 unit as well.
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