unit request: "ancient machines"


Germanian spirit
Apr 25, 2005
below Yggdrasil
Have anyone made units based on ideas and drawings by ancient and medivial, artists and inventors, like Da Vinci's flying machine, and so on???

That type of machinery would work perfect in the mod I'm working on..
LizardmenRule! said:
It might by a wise idea to look through the unit library for units

I did.. But I have a concentration problem, I easily get angry when I don't find the exate "picture" I have in my head... :mad:

I know, it's not good, but I cant do anything about it :cry:

But I do scan the unit lib from time to time, there is a lot of goodies in there:D
Stormrage said:
Ooo! Use water! And rats too! Makes all the difference in the world ;):mischief:

I once had a couple of rats, and they never did anything but eating and watching television - a bit like me..

Anyway I think I'm on to something, I usualy look in the Unit Library but find it very confusing.. But the Unit Artist's Library seems a lot more "search friendly".. depending on once temper ofcourse..
LizardmenRule! said:
What's the mod you are working on, chilolo?

Well, I'm planning to make it a combination of epic, historic and fantasy.
It will not follow an exate timeline, but it will (I hope) contain some units, inprovements and so on, with some historic points in the civilopedia.
Then there will be added som fantasy units, wich I will try to connect with the civs mythology and ancient belive in trolls, ghosts and so on.. That at the moment will not be for all civs - I only know myth from a few, and what I can't find, I will have to make up..

It will focus on Europe, and mostly in old times, from birth of civilization and up to somewhere around gunpowder..

Maby I could describe it as an
"epic inspired fantasy mod, of how god would let evolution entertain him, if he was ME" :king:

And the modtitle ofcourse: EITMOAM (Europe in the mind of a mindless)

But it's a slow progress, its my first mod I'm trying to produce, and my job IRL takes a lot of time leaving almost nothing to modmaking, but hey, I work with beer and whiskey - so its worth it...
I'm now in progress of colleting items that I could use, and trying to make some sort of system out of it to make a better overview.. Currently I'm working on the techtree on paper, I belive that it would be a good "base" to work from - if only I had the patience :mischief:

Stormrage said:
The Artist`s library is definately more friendly, I go to the Units library only if I need something.. ancient ;)

Now thats funny :lol:
Chilolo said:
I'm now in progress of colleting items that I could use, and trying to make some sort of system out of it to make a better overview.. Currently I'm working on the techtree on paper, I belive that it would be a good "base" to work from - if only I had the patience:mischief:
Well I make pictures of everything in MS paint, helps me keep track of stuff :)
mrtn said:
That sounds a bit like the mod Rambuchan is working on.


Perhaps.. I would be surprised if I was the only one with that idea, but then again, Rambuchan is more experinced then me, so I don't think there will much to compare.. Whats the link for his work?? I will take a look, so I don't make mine the exate same :D
mrtn said:
I don't think there's a thread for it, he's not finished with it. Oh, and he's quite the newbie when it comes to modding. ;)

Then I just hope the world is big enough for both of us :D
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