Unleash the map scripts!


Jul 27, 2007
It seems that the Dodo and the 'Pangea' map script have one thing in common. "Fine, I'll get used to it" (he mutters saltily).
Instead, there will be several map scripts to create the initial "Home Land" in various forms, and the "Distant Lands" as well. Firaxis usually provides us with a nice assortment of these.

They will come in different flavours:
Apparently there is a script to create a "Continents Plus"-like homeland and a similarly shaped "Distant Lands" continent.
Or a "Contintents Plus"-like homeland and the "Distand Lands" equal to an archipelago map.
So far, so good.

But what if I want to play on an archipelago in the Antiquity Age and then move to a continental landmass?
Or a continental landmass with islands (="Continents Plus") and islands in the new world?
Or a complete "Archipelagos" world?
Or... you get the idea, I think.

With a separate map script for each possible combination, we would need a lot of different scripts. More than Firaxis is willing to create, I suppose.
But why?
If I am correct in assuming that there is already code to create these landforms separately, why not give us access to them separately as well?

What I would love to see:
Two separate drop-down menus on the start screen for "Homeland" and "Distand Lands" respectively.
Both filled with all the available choices + a 'random' option.
With such a flexible world map creation, we could mix and match to our heart's content.

That's basically it.
A long introduction for such a short request.

Unfortunately, I believe (until the devs say otherwise) that they will keep the "traditional" approach.
And even if they would consider my request, I am afraid that Civ7 is way too close to release to make such changes to the map generator.
But maybe - just maybe - this could be added in the first major expansion? (LoL! I know! Civ7 is not even out ...)

So, what do you think?
Is this what we are already going to get and all of my thoughts are in vane?
Are Firaxis willing to give up the "new and exciting map script" selling point?
Or would you prefer the simple choice of one map script and one script only?
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each should have a set of dropdowns
1. Land Form
2. Terrain (Lakes, hills, std)
3. Climate (wet v dry)
4, Climate (cold v hot)

*climate should have a variable option where it shifts every age
I just assumed you'd be able to mix and match immediately. Seems like a much simpler option than having fifteen different map types for all the combinations of continents, continents with islands, archipelagos, continent divided by a large mountain range, etc.
@Krikkit1: These are the usual settings, familiar from previous Civ iterations. I wouldn't mind keeping them global - but separate options for each 'continent' (for lack of a better word) would be nice indeed. It might get a bit overwhelming though. That's why I stuck to land forms.

@Black Gate: That would actually be great. Not sure I want to hope for it, though. But maybe I am too pesimistic.
How about 4 dropdowns
1. Land Form
2. Terrain (Lakes, hills, std)
3. Climate (wet v dry)
4, Climate (cold v hot)

each with a little toggle that says global/separate DL (separate DL opens another dropdown)

And then a final toggle for “island bridges”
I wouldn't mind of it isn't separated, but think it would be better to have them separated, or at least an option.
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