Unreasonable delay while entering advisors


Dec 25, 2008
I've got new notebook - Asus M50Vn with GF 9650M GT graphic card, Windows Vista with latest update, the newest Nvidia Mobile driver (179.28). I've installed Civ4, Civ4-Warlords, Civ4-BTS, all with newest official updates. Everything works fine, but there is one problem, which I suppose is a bug. I tried to set up the highest resolution (1680x1050) and the highest graphic settings. The game went smooth, realy quick. The problem occurs when I try to access any advisor. The game stuck for 5s to 1min, sometimes even more. I tried to figure out what causes that. I reinstalled the whole Civ4 (with expansions and updates), but that didn't help. Then I lower the resolution. It helped a bit and the delay was a bit smaller, but it was still quite long time (5-30s I guess). So I set up resolution back to the highest and lower the details to Low and restarted the game. The advisor poped up immediately. Then I changed detailes step by step. At the end, I figured out that I can set up the highest details and the only thing I have to set up to Medium is the Movie Quality. I don't really know if this is a bug, but it seems to me a bit odd that Movie Quality has anything to do with starting Technology Advisor (e.g.). The second thing that is strange is that setting something only one level higher changes delay from less than noticeable time to more than 5 sec.
Another thing that might help a bit is this setting in the Ini:

; Dont show the game background during movies - may speed up movie playing
HideMovieBackground = 1

While the description is only talking about movies, it does also affect diplo screens - and since you made the connection between movies and advisors - it might help on advisors as well...
Another thing that might help a bit is this setting in the Ini:

; Dont show the game background during movies - may speed up movie playing
HideMovieBackground = 1

While the description is only talking about movies, it does also affect diplo screens - and since you made the connection between movies and advisors - it might help on advisors as well...

It helped, but I still don't get why it took so long. It was ok in ordinary Civ4. The delay occured only in BTS.
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