[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

Anyway my point is that there is no sense in sticking with WolfRevolution and waiting on Legends to get out of beta, since in all reality Legends fixes many of the core issues in WolfRevolution (mainly insanely high poly unit models), and any issues Legends has are also found in WolfRevolution.

Ah, I see. The one I was referring to was this:

-The culture earned from non state religions by leaders with the Enlightened trait does not display in the city screen (Though it is applied correctly). Only Aesthetic, but I consider it a major issue and is my main focus.

Should have been more clear, heh. Either way, I'm stoked that you dumped the poly-counts! Now I can play on Huge maps again (oooooh.... aaaaaaah)

Jeelen, I vote on the magic scroller. :)
I too find it a bit too much for a serious mod to have "300 spartans" as maya.

I really don't think it's any more silly then the Americans building the Pyramids in 2400 BC :p

With all the hate being levied against the legends, I'll work on adding an option to toggle them off, though I'll probably make it so that toggling off legends also toggles off Great Wonders, because I'm onry like that.

Will implement the buttons and MiG-15, thanks for finding the MiG.
The Bismarck button is unusable though, I'm not going to display a swastika so prominently, it's a bit over the top. If you want a new button for the Bismarck, I'd recommend using the classic Deuscht Eagle, used on the shields for the Germans. Not the swastika though, I'm not going to glorify the nazis. It's one thing to include Hitler, especially when the likes of Mao and Stalin are included in the base game, it's even OK in my book to use those swastikas on the model, as the Bismarck was really painted like that. But it's another thing entirely to drape the model with Nazi imagery in the button.
With all the hate being levied against the legends, I'll work on adding an option to toggle them off, though I'll probably make it so that toggling off legends also toggles off Great Wonders, because I'm onry like that.

I think the legends are a great concept, if anything you should introduce more legendary units :king:
I think the legends are a great concept, if anything you should introduce more legendary units :king:

I wouldn't be against adding two more to make it an even dozen. I'd only consider a legend if it wasn't European or American, there are enough of those already. Any added legend needs to be Asian or African, and I'd only add 2 more (well maybe 3 if there were some really good ideas and models, a bakers dozen is a cool number too, but certainly no more then that). Unfortunately I haven't thought of, or seen a suggestion for a Legend that originates in Asia or Africa. The only thing that came close was The Golden Horde, but I'm not going to use that, because the Golden Horde was basically the assembled armies of Ghengis Khan... I don't think that really works for a legend unit.
One budget J-10A model as requested. Model was seriously jacked up, all kinds of extraneous faces and a completely jacked up skin. It took some finegling but I finally talked it down to around 1800 poly. The thing even had a fully rendered cockpit! Also I had to make the new paint job really dark because the skin completely warps any details in the texture and randomly displaces parts of the texture to faces it shouldn't be on. Its animated and should work fine though. Make sure you change the fscale to about 0.6 otherwise its really tiny.

View attachment 212419

With all the hate being levied against the legends, I'll work on adding an option to toggle them off, though I'll probably make it so that toggling off legends also toggles off Great Wonders, because I'm onry like that.

Ha! That'll teach them to be haters. I'm with Wraith23, I think they're a great addition. So lighten up people it is their initial debut. I'm sure they'll only get better on down the road.

The Bismarck button is unusable though
Figured it would be. Sorry. Tried to cover it up in pic atleast. I see your point though and changed it. New button in with the J-10A.
Some ideas concerning Asian/African legendary units:
- The Great Fleet (not proven, but legendary enough). Maybe a Sailing age unit with higher capacity, higher speed or sentry?
- Baron Unger von Sternberg's Order of Military Buddhists. A legend for sure, sounds European at first glance, but read the story... Maybe some strong cavalry unit, a hidden nationality cavalry or very quick (=good in pillaging) cavalry?

I would like seeing some legendary Japanese unit, they do have some for sure, but I do not know, which one might be considered most important to Japanese. But I was unable to find any remarkable unit from Africa, that can be described as legendary (there were interesting campaigns, but I did not find a specific, unique military unit with a name that rings a bell).
-Legends of Revolution is not Multiplayer compatible. Although it will work. So far it has been reported to be stable except for the specific component Revolutions. Therefore it is recommended you turn off Revolutions if playing in multiplayer.
Is this also true for PBEM, especially considering Revolutions ?

Another point:

I guess, this Mod is english language only. If that´s the case maybe it would be good to give the information in post no. 1 or in the FAQs...
I've incorporated the new art from achilleszero, but file front is down, so can't upload a 0.8.2 test build, also found an oversight, forgot to set the French Foreign Legion in the CivilizationsInfos file, so the French get shafted in 0.8.1, but it's not too bad they still have the muskateer.

Is this also true for PBEM, especially considering Revolutions ?
I don't know. If you play either Legends, or pure RevolutionDCM in PBEM let me know if it works fine or not.

Another point:

I guess, this Mod is english language only. If that´s the case maybe it would be good to give the information in post no. 1 or in the FAQs...

What happens if you try to play the game in non English? It should still work, it's just a few of the added things don't have text written in other languages. I'd be very grateful if someone translated some of the text files, I'd definatly include them, but I just don't have the ability to translate everything in the languages Civ is set up for, so I just filled in the tags with the english names. When I first started the project, I actually left in old name from whatever I coppied the XML block from, I should probably go through and change those....

@achilleszero or anyone else who can do unit modeling:
I'm using a couple models from the asio's early jet set found here: Jet Set ;) Problem is the Campini Caproni and Dassault Ouragan are kinda broken with animations. I mean they'll fly and all, but they just stay frozen in the air, rather then bobbing like the other properly animated jets. Same issue ocures with the early bomber models. Any chance these could be fixed?

@Anyone else:
I have two other needs. First I can't find a good model to use for the Native American Knight. The mod used to use the brave, but it had something like 3500 polys... And that's the only one I can find in the DB that would work for a knight. Does anyone know of any good models for a Native Knight that has less then 2000 polys?

Secondly, and most importantly, I really a good intro screen. I would greatly apreciate getting a good intro screen for the mod, don't want to stick with using the Wolfshanze intro. If you make a good opening screen, it'll be used in a mod that gets hundreds (and who knows maybe more) downloads... :deal:
For lack of a better model, you could just make it a 2 knight-unit. A normal model with three knights by 2000 polys is 6000 polys, using 2 3500 poly knights makes 7000... hardly a MAF gamebreaker, I would think.
Some ideas concerning Asian/African legendary units:
- The Great Fleet (not proven, but legendary enough). Maybe a Sailing age unit with higher capacity, higher speed or sentry?
- Baron Unger von Sternberg's Order of Military Buddhists. A legend for sure, sounds European at first glance, but read the story... Maybe some strong cavalry unit, a hidden nationality cavalry or very quick (=good in pillaging) cavalry?

I would like seeing some legendary Japanese unit, they do have some for sure, but I do not know, which one might be considered most important to Japanese. But I was unable to find any remarkable unit from Africa, that can be described as legendary (there were interesting campaigns, but I did not find a specific, unique military unit with a name that rings a bell).

This is more Egyptian, but what about Mamelukes? Knight unit with bonus attacking in bad terrain maybe?

Another idea- though European. Polish Lancers. Cuirassier replacement, gives bonus vs cavalry, +25% defensive strength.
This is more Egyptian, but what about Mamelukes? Knight unit with bonus attacking in bad terrain maybe?

Another idea- though European. Polish Lancers. Cuirassier replacement, gives bonus vs cavalry, +25% defensive strength.

I think, that those can not be used. The units you named are more like unit types suitable for civ-specific unique units. You can have any number of mamelukes, any number of lancers. But there was only one Legio X, only one group of 300 Spartans, only one Bismarck. As I understand the concept, a legendary unit has to be:

1) Real. Some "poetic license" is probably allowed, but no Fictionalization.
2) Not only one specific person like general or spy. This is, what GP and Great generals are for. Unique machines with only one pilot are probably allowed as Red Baron is.
3) Unique. There was only one such unit in whole history - a completelly unique one or an outstandingly legendary instance of a generic unit.
1) Real. Some "poetic license" is probably allowed, but no Fictionalization.
2) Not only one specific person like general or spy. This is, what GP and Great generals are for. Unique machines with only one pilot are probably allowed as Red Baron is.
3) Unique. There was only one such unit in whole history - a completelly unique one or an outstandingly legendary instance of a generic unit.
That's pretty much it. Also add:
4) Name recognition

Also I really struggled with including the Red Baron, as I don't really consider him a unit (as you show in the list, single persons are Great People). But he's so legendary, I figured I could let it slide.
@ cripp

from the second post in the thread:
Spoiler :
Known Bugs:

-Legends of Revolution is not Multiplayer compatible. Although it will work. So far it has been reported to be stable except for the specific component Revolutions. Therefore it is recommended you turn off Revolutions if playing in multiplayer. Also if you experience a multiplayer issue that occurs when Revolutions is off, please report it. This is in the works for fixing, but is a long way off.
-34 or more active players can cause the scoreboard to grow off the screen. It's only aesthetic and only effects players that play on huge maps with Revolutions and/or barbarian civs enabled, but still it looks bad, and I consider this major. This is being addressed.
-Some Revolutions Idxs are hidden from the user. This is being addressed
-The culture earned from non state religions by leaders with the Enlightened trait does not display in the city screen (Though it is applied correctly). Only Aesthetic, but I consider it a major issue and is my main focus.

-For some reason when the Revolution warning pop up displays the Text call python makes for "And" isn't being called correctly. This should work, I see nothing wrong with the code here (and neither do a dozen other people), and this is trivial call, it's quite odd... Anyway when you see REV_TXT_AND it means And...
-Clicking on a legend unit in the Sevopedia drops you back to the Units list. You can still get the info you need, it just makes browsing not as streamlined as I like. I need to look more at how the Wonders and regular building code is handled in the Python to fix this.
Not really bugs, but...
-I could use a couple more unit buttons
-I could also use some more ethnic unit art

Thanks for the report though, but I'm one step ahead :)
Hey Phungus this is looking good. Originally I when I saw legendary units I thought you'd gone to far changing things as I tend to err more towards conservative changes to BTS.

However I think this will be a good edition but will obviously need balancing.

One thing I noticed, this may have been in WolfRevolution is that Cavalry can be upgraded to tanks. This has pluses and minuses on the plus side it really helps the AI who tends to stockpile outdated unit.

I know alot of upgrade paths have been added and I think that generally good give the player plus the AI more options.

On the negative side I really liked the fact cavalry couldnt be updated to tanks because kind of represents a massive shift in warfare and allows countries who previously have been backwards military to rapidly catch up.

Im not sure how the upgrade cost is calculated is it related to hammers to produce? Im not sure but the current upgrade cost of 110gold from cavalry to early tanks is too low. A third option would be to really increase this cost 220 gold ? This would make building a new army more viable than upgrading whichI think is more realistic of the switch to mechanised armies.

Also I've noticed you've changed the settlers to have 1 movement ? I take it this is because the AI ALWAYS guards settlers ? Therefore the AI settlers can only ever move 1 space any how ? If so good idea ! Thats removes another handicap the AI had.
Also I've noticed you've changed the settlers to have 1 movement ? I take it this is because the AI ALWAYS guards settlers ? Therefore the AI settlers can only ever move 1 space any how ? If so good idea ! Thats removes another handicap the AI had.

I think it's because expansionist leaders produce settlers with the Mobility (+ 1 movement) promotion.
Fixed those two planes. They should do their floaty/hover thing now in idle mode. The fscale on them needs to be brought way down, especially the camprini. Maybe 0.4 for the camprini and 0.45 for the dassault.

Fixed the Native knight as well. Its now clocking in at ~1700. Mostly just cut out a bunch of bones that 3dsMax turned into meshes on export. Cut off a few more meshes just for performance's sake. (Awesome looking model Bernie14, sorry I had to butcher your hard work, but it had to be done.)

Hate to request things this late in the game, but is there any chance now that we'll see a Brave UU now since the model has been fixed??

View attachment 212470
That's pretty much it. Also add:
4) Name recognition

Also I really struggled with including the Red Baron, as I don't really consider him a unit (as you show in the list, single persons are Great People). But he's so legendary, I figured I could let it slide.

May I suggest:

1º Cam Denh Dec (north korean ace) and his MIG 15
2º Admiral Yamamoto (japanese admiral) and his aircraft carrier

Awesome job on the models.
Hate to request things this late in the game, but is there any chance now that we'll see a Brave UU now since the model has been fixed??
Here's what I'll do. One thing that's always bothered me is the name Native American, all other civs in this game have a proper name for a nation, except for Native America, which under no definition could be considered a single nation. So I'll split it up, use the Haiwatha leaderhead available here, have the Sioux and Iriquois civs, instead of just one Native America. Of course, this means the Iriquois are going to need their own model for a knight, since the Sioux will be using the Brave as a UU. Any chance you could create a new Native knight, doesn't need to be anything fancy. Something like taking the current Native American Horseman, and skinning him some armor would work fine.

The only other unit art issue I know of is the fact animations are messed up, or rather the unit is fozen like the two jets you just fixed for all the early bombers. That's it, awesome work achilleszero!
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