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veBear's maps

:cry: No! Please do it!!! :cry:
EDIT: I don't want to be off-topic, but (we are speaking about my mod) so I feel good to post this here:
A promotional image about Napoleon Total War Mod!


  • napoleon_wallpaper.jpg
    79.2 KB · Views: 609
I don't know how many time you have veBear, but can I make a request?
Can you create a map of Egypt, Syria, a little part of Arabia and Palestine, but including Cyprus too?
I mean can you create a map about this picture, please:

I'm making a Napoleon Mod, and it would be really appreciated if you'd help with the maps. Don't worry, i just have 2 requests for you. And this Egyptian is the first (he second is northern italy btw, but I'll post a picture what I *exactly* need.) Thank you REALLY MUCH!! !:)

EDIT: Both maps can be at medium size, thanks!
Theres a map of (somewhat) that area its called canaan, also theres a map of cyprus and of the middle east, im sure you can find those and are aware of that but if you, vebear, do plan on making it, expanding canaan is probably ur best option.
Theres a map of (somewhat) that area its called canaan, also theres a map of cyprus and of the middle east, im sure you can find those and are aware of that but if you, vebear, do plan on making it, expanding canaan is probably ur best option.

I went through the whole database to find such a map. :crazyeye: I couldn't find the one which can fit. And I think the Canaan map is too large for me. It would have no use.
Anyway, don't create the map when you don't want. It would be awesome for both of us if you would, but please don't. I can create my little crappy mappy too.;)
Firstly. I've had this map of the Eurasian Steppe for like three months now but haven't bothered uploading it yet, but that will come shortly.

Secondly... just some promotion ;)
You did very good maps dude...
Thanks :)
Maybe some of them can be used for a "Europe 20 civs mod" or something :D :D :D
Yeah, you go and make one, I would love to play it.

Perfect christmas present for the community, don't you agree? A European version of you Earth 35 civs mod. I could help you with a Norwegian civ.

New project in the making. The idea about this one is to create a map where navies will be essential... and here you go, a map of the Norwegian Coast that will soon (enough) be finished :)

... also gotta get out of this lazyness and upload a map I finished ages ago
I don't know how many time you have veBear, but can I make a request?
Can you create a map of Egypt, Syria, a little part of Arabia and Palestine, but including Cyprus too?

Legends of Ancient Arabia has a large 90x80 map which covers the area you want as well as all of the Arabian Peninsula (not to mention Persia and Turkey).

- Sam
^He did not really want those extra parts though.
That's the most sh*tty map-maker program I've ever seen, no offense. You can't really create good maps using it. I myself use Rhye's BMP to WBS converter (which I would reccomend Nitram in this case, but then again that post was made in August last year, so I doubt he have any use for it ATM) to create a good outline of Height and Terrain and then does the nitpick and details in World Builder. More time-consuming, but better maps.
I agree it's a limited program but I can't think of a really good GUI Civ4 map editor.

When I had to crop a map, it ended up taking me a couple of hours writing some scripts and editing the World Builder Save file by hand. The editor I indirectly linked to, however, did help me decide where to crop the map.

One "quick and dirty" way to crop a map is to just replace all the unwanted squares with mountain peaks.

Norway (Large)
- 1 Continent + Many Islands (Many small ones + Some of notable size in Lofoten)
- Many predefined resources with accurate starting point, but much more plentyful
- Randomized starting locations (For unique gameplay every time)
- Large size (9 Civs default)

Recommendes settings
- Aggressive AI
- Raging Barbarians
- Only Conquest and/or Domination victory allowed
- About 11 to 15 civs
This will end in the ultimate war game, where huge navies will be extreamly strategically important, functioning as bridges over Fjords that would have taken many many turns to cross otherwise. Rich in resources, this map often ends in a fast-paced battle map. Try it!
Thanks, always good with a Hitchikers guide to the galaxy reference :)
New map... or, well, actually a really old one, just never got to release it (It's about a year and a half by now since I made it)

Eurasian Steppe:
Spoiler :
Eurasian Steppe (Huge)
- 1 Continent + 1 Island (Cyprus)
- Predefined, somewhat accurate Resources (For realistic gameplay)
- Randomized starting locations (For unique gameplay every time)
- Huge size (11 Civs default)

Eurasian Steppe (Huge) Randomized
- 1 Continent + 1 Island (Cyprus)
- Randomized Resources (For unique gameplay every time)
- Randomized starting locations (For unique gameplay every time)
- Huge size (11 Civs default)

I tried to download a map (the one of Norway) and I can't get it to run. I don't understand what kind of file it is. Help?
Did you put it in your PublicMaps folder? It should be in My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/PublicMaps :)
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