Sobold Maduro has been firing his mouth off claiming parts of Gutana. It looks to be around two thirds of Guyanas territory.
The dubious claim is based on Colonial administration borders. And apparently it's been a bigger issue evince oil and rare earths were discovered early 2000's.
Guyana speaks totally different language some form of English apparently very sparsely populated. Bigger than it looks on the map around 2/rds tge size of UK/NZ/Italy Gove or take with 1/5th the population of NZ. Outnumber 28-1 depending on Venezuela's exact population (millions have fled).
Unlike Russias bull crap "referendums" they didn't bother asking the Guyana just themselves. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with all thise resources they've found. Tots not at all.
So of the balloon goes up odds of foreign intervention eg USA or Brazil or collective shrug.
The dubious claim is based on Colonial administration borders. And apparently it's been a bigger issue evince oil and rare earths were discovered early 2000's.
Guyana speaks totally different language some form of English apparently very sparsely populated. Bigger than it looks on the map around 2/rds tge size of UK/NZ/Italy Gove or take with 1/5th the population of NZ. Outnumber 28-1 depending on Venezuela's exact population (millions have fled).
Unlike Russias bull crap "referendums" they didn't bother asking the Guyana just themselves. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with all thise resources they've found. Tots not at all.
So of the balloon goes up odds of foreign intervention eg USA or Brazil or collective shrug.
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