Version 2.x bug reports

I've tried that with my same city that cranks out my destroyers and such. :(
Oh! Then it must be the civic requirement, it requires Liberal civic to be active. I might have forgotten to change the help info for that building so this req. might not show up in pedia.
Oh! Then it must be the civic requirement, it requires Liberal civic to be active. I might have forgotten to change the help info for that building so this req. might not show up in pedia.

That was it. thanks!
When you build a wonder that make you have a building in every city, i.e. stonehenge -> monument, you are able to ctrl + a and sell it for infinite gold...

Yea, this is a known bug that I am looking into. Since this function is only available to human players it shouldn't be a problem because we know they wouldn't use such a cheat:mischief:
The mod works fine for other Civ's, but I only get the map, the Gui, when playing the native Americans, I'm using the latest Mega mod version., using the 28 Civ's map.
Hi. This is the first time I'm posting.

I've been playing 2 games and I'm having a weird CTD whenever I reach mid of Medieval Age. The problem usual occur during the City Build Screen and the same turn. If I set it to AI autoplay for 1 turn the CTD does not occur but at the next turn during the city build screen CTD again.

I've tried clearing the cache as well as reinstalling the RoM. Wonder if Windows 7 have to do with this CTD. :confused: This issue is been occuring since 2.61.

Version: RoM 2.62
Size: Huge
Settings: Default with Revolution Mod

Do you need the save file as well? Thanks :)

Hi again. I've tried on a medium and large size map but the CTD issue still occur. I noticed that the CTD issue occurs when I convert to Christianity. Otherwise the game goes on smoothly. I'm wondering if the Christian unique buildings are causing problems as I didnt encounter the problem before the introduction of these buildings in RoM. Or maybe my files are corrupted :mischief: Here are my logs but I think its pretty much d same as d previous 1

Version: RoM 2.62
Size: Large
Settings: Default with Revolution Mod and BarbarianCiv
Hi again. I've tried on a medium and large size map but the CTD issue still occur. I noticed that the CTD issue occurs when I convert to Christianity. Otherwise the game goes on smoothly. I'm wondering if the Christian unique buildings are causing problems as I didnt encounter the problem before the introduction of these buildings in RoM. Or maybe my files are corrupted :mischief: Here are my logs but I think its pretty much d same as d previous 1

Version: RoM 2.62
Size: Large
Settings: Default with Revolution Mod and BarbarianCiv
Since those new Christianity buildings are made in modular format, you can easily disable them by moving their folders from Modules to Unloaded Modules. For more specific info see RoM Concepts pedia pages and there info about Modules.
I think I found a bug caused by this feature.

In my current game, I have a peninsula of 1 x 7 tiles. Like this:

grassland-grassland- jungle(#1)-hill/grassland-jungle(#2)-grassland-grassland

In tile #1, I could build a farm because of the fresh water or chop the jungle. I decided to chop the jungle, and after that, I couldn't build the farm anymore.

In tile #2, I decided to build a farm, completed it and generated a not irrigated farm, without Canal Systems and without jungle in the neighbor tiles.

Maybe I'm missing something. Don't know.

Have this bug been confirmed? Or it was my mistake?
Have this bug been confirmed? Or it was my mistake?
It's side effect of how workers make improvements. For example it's normally better to cut down forest first and then build farm - you get the hammer bonus to city production faster this way. While setting worker to build directly farm, you'll get the forest cut down city production bonus on the turn when worker finishes the farm. Now if you cut down jungle first, the plot looses fresh water status (assuming there's no other jungles in adjutant plots) and thus you can't build farm on it. I know it's small issue with this system and I'll probably have to remove fresh water status from jungle in next version... at times I wish there was better ways for making some game features such as this..
1772 Ad, perfect game, and then... "Waiting for others Civs" Bug ! Kind of boring... Is this a new feature for 2.6 ?

I'we just noticed that the Entertainer can counduct a trade mission. Is this intentional?
Well, kind of yes. The entertainer has merchant AI so that AI players "know" how to use it. Side effect is the trade mission.

1772 Ad, perfect game, and then... "Waiting for others Civs" Bug ! Kind of boring... Is this a new feature for 2.6 ?
This can happen in v2.6 but it should be fixed in v2.62 patch. Did it happen with v2.62?


I can't bombard enemy units on if they stand on my vassal territory.
What RoM version are you using? I remember reading something about this kind of problem but I'm not sure now if it was in Better BtS AI discussion or in RevDCM discussion or somewhere else...
2.62 megapack. Play now! Select Chilean -> crash to desktop. I tried to reinstall the megapack a lot of times
I'll test Chile. I was yesterday playing megapack but Chile wasn't among the civs so I'll have to make a new game with them...
What RoM version are you using? I remember reading something about this kind of problem but I'm not sure now if it was in Better BtS AI discussion or in RevDCM discussion or somewhere else...

Pardon me. RoM 2.52.
In 2.7 will work fine? I'm skip 2.6 series, it's a bit buggy as I read...
I'll test Chile. I was yesterday playing megapack but Chile wasn't among the civs so I'll have to make a new game with them...

I guess there may be something with the animated leaderhead, I didn't try to select chile with static leaderheads. So the game crashes when it tries to show the wrong NIF or something.

			<Button>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/</Button>
			<NIF>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/augustus_caesar.nif</NIF>
			<KFM>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/augustus_caesar.kfm</KFM>
			<NoShaderNIF>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/augustus_caesar.nif</NoShaderNIF>
			<BackgroundKFM>Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/washington_bg.kfm</BackgroundKFM>

But there's nothing but XML in Modules/Custom Civilizations/Chile/OHiggins/ ?
Pardon me. RoM 2.52.
In 2.7 will work fine? I'm skip 2.6 series, it's a bit buggy as I read...
Then it should be fixed in v2.6 as this version uses newer versions of Better BtS AI and newer RevDCM functions. V2.7 will be probably take still couple months before it's released as the work just has begun for it. V2.6 took 3 months to make. I think you should try v2.62 basic version - the megapack version seems to cause some trouble for some users.
This can happen in v2.6 but it should be fixed in v2.62 patch. Did it happen with v2.62?

Hi Zappara, glad you answered. Yes, it did happen with v2.62 ! I've been playing your mod and patches ever since v2.3, so I know it was a "classical bug" for v2.6;). Excuse my irony, I was quite disappointed... Imagine that : losing for a bug ! Hope you'll make it through for v2.7 !
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