Version 3.00 is no longer compatible???


The Worthless
Nov 27, 2001
Cape Cod
I finally downloaded the patches from, and now I can't make mods. I can play my old ones but they crash after a few turns, and if I modify them in any way I get this message:

Scenario Version Invalid!
Invalid Scenario Version!
Version 3.00 is no longer compatible.

This even shows up when I make a NEW mod! Even if it's excactly the same as Civ3Mod.

What the hell are these so-called patches doing to my friggin game?
you need to download the new editor which can be found on the civfanatics site. The Civ Editor that comes with the patch is a version incompatable with the game or other editors. If you saved any bics with the editor that came in the patch then they are no longer usable :(. hope you have backups.
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