New BETA Version – 4.18.4 (January 21, 2025)

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1. Why are 4.18.* releases called Betas? Is version 4.16.2 considered more stable than 4.18.3?
2. Is there a modpack for playing online with friends in 4.18.3? I saw a thread with instructions on how to make your own modpack, but I ask in case someone more experienced has already done it.
1. Because the changes made may lead to crashes that will need fixing, hence why there are many 4.18.x versions coming out.
2. No not yet, as far as I know. It's not a good idea to make a modpack for a beta version because of point 1.

When we think all the bugs are squashed, the beta will be declared "stable" and the title changed accordingly.
That's almost certainly my fault, and is probably due to certain atlases not having resolutions dividable by 4, will fix it tonight. Sorry about that :/
By the way, do let me know if memory issues get better with this patch (e.g. late-game crashes without any errors, crashes when opening the tech tree, and icons disappearing in the late-game) In theory it should get better, but I've never been able to validate that.

Also, the issue with Liburna ghosting after movement in DX9 is beyond my ability to fix. The model itself isn't anything special, so if anyone has an alternative model for Liburna, let me know
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150T and no CTD (pop up or not)
The AI is very cohesive and the barbarians (in aggressive mod) are very smart and violent

thanks to everyone involved in the fixes
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The crash I reported was indicated as Fixed in in next version. I loaded the crash save in 4.18.4 to try and confirm the fix and it crashed at the same point. Should I re-open the issue on Github or is it expected that the fix won't apply to a previous save?

The crash I reported was indicated as Fixed in in next version. I loaded the crash save in 4.18.4 to try and confirm the fix and it crashed at the same point. Should I re-open the issue on Github or is it expected that the fix won't apply to a previous save?

The fixes should apply also to existing save games. Reopen the ticket please.
Playing with 4.18.4 Community Patch Only. It appears that Legalism is either changed or not working anymore. It doesn't appear to be providing the free Culture building in the first 4 cities. It provide a free Monument in my 2nd city but nothing in my 3rd city. Also, my Capital is still paying maintenance for it's Monument which I thought used to be free (even if built before Legalism was gained).

Bugs for a bug report or a change?

Just to drop something : I'm pretty sure if you already have built one or more monument in one of your first four cities, Legalism will wait until you unlock Amphitheater and provide one for free in said city/cities.
It works differently than VP, which replace the building with a free version and gives an immediate production bonus to compensate.
Just to drop something : I'm pretty sure if you already have built one or more monument in one of your first four cities, Legalism will wait until you unlock Amphitheater and provide one for free in said city/cities.
It works differently than VP, which replace the building with a free version and gives an immediate production bonus to compensate.

OK thanks for the info. But wouldn't the 3rd city get a Monument for free (like the 2nd did)?
Noticing a couple of times now. Watching the "Military Supply" total while completing the "Terracota Army" the supply goes up 4 points. In this case, from 13 to 17. But the caption on the Wonder says 5 points. Why the difference? Enough problems with military supply already. vp 4.18.4 nothing extra.
Noticing a couple of times now. Watching the "Military Supply" total while completing the "Terracota Army" the supply goes up 4 points. In this case, from 13 to 17. But the caption on the Wonder says 5 points. Why the difference? Enough problems with military supply already. vp 4.18.4 nothing extra.
Tech, Empire Size and War Weariness reductions are % based and reduce the total number. So 5 is added to the total number but is then being reduced to 4 by one or more reductions.
I started a new game with the newest version and I have missing icons (Smokehouse for example and a couple of others) in the tech screen.
My Civ 5 game keeps crashing. It is what is called a CTD crash. It happened in the version from October, and even now. What is annoying , is that it LITERALLY does not crash until around turn 120 - 150. Spending like 20 - 50 HOURS just to find out i CANNOT finish the game because of crashing is annoying. I am using ALL the Vox Populi Mods that come installed. It has happened in multiple different save game's. So i tried different combination of Mods from the Steam Workshop, and even reduced the mods down to 3 Mods that are NOT from Vox Populi.

One of the Mods is from here. It is Border Fortress - Outposts (v .7). The other two, are the Slavery Mod from the Steam Workshop (This Mod is DIFFERENT than the slavery Mod from this website They are different slavery Mods). Also, the Wonder Race Mod from the Steam Workshop.

I am not sure where and/or who to ask this of; so i will ask it here.

I think one of the NON -- Vox Populi Mods, is NOT compatible with Vox Populi. Is it possible for someone to make compatible versions of them? I really like the Wonder Race Mod, because it is EXTREMELY ANNOYING to spend 20+ turns on a wonder just to lose the wonder with 1 turn remaining.The Wonder Race Mod tells you which player is in the lead, and of you are losing, AND by how many turns you are losing by.

The slavery Mod (as the name suggests), turns captured workers, and settlers INTO slaves (reduced work rate costs ZERO gold upkeep). The Mod ALSO gives you slaves WHEN you capture a city (I think it is +1 slave per city population?). But the exact mechanics are confusing, so i am not exactly sure if that is the case or not. Also, the slaves, can, and WILL eventually revolt, turning into barbarians. If a slave revolt occurs, 1 or more of them slaves WILL turn into barbarians, but NOT all slaves can or will revolt necessarily. (Also, apparently if a slave revolt occurs with a slave turning into a barbarian in a city, the city will change ownership, and belong to the barbarians - If this could be changed in a new version to NOT happen that would be great -- Since i captured a city, and got 6 slaves, then the slave revolt happened the very next turn, BEFORE i had a chance to even move the newly captured slaves even once --Then i lost the city because a slave turned into a barbarian and became a spearman).

The revolt might also be caused by the number of total slaves, and perhaps their proximity to each other. (Since i went back to the previous turn, deleted the 4 or 5 other slaves i had, then went to the next turn, and NO slave revolt occurred).

Also, there is the Fortress Borders - Outposts (v .7) Mod from this website (this is based on, and a re-creation of the original Fortress Borders (v .4) Mod from the Steam Workshop). Both Mods are similar, but also different. The original Fortress Borders Mod uses the FORT improvement and simply adds game mechanics to that. Whereas, the Outposts version from this website, adds an entirely NEW improvement called the Outpost. The Outpost, has a +5 gold maintenance cost, and gives +35 defense to units stationed inside it (whereas the Fort has the +50 defense for units stationed inside the improvement).

The main game mechanic though, is that the Fort (in the original), and the Outpost (in the newer version that is on this website), can be built OUTSIDE of your territory, and when constructed, will make the tile where it is built, and the surrounding tiles, will become yours, The Fort / Outpost (depending on version), can ALSO be used to take enemy territory, exactly the same as how a Great General would take enemy territory. Side note - If the Fort / Outpost is NOT inside your territory AND is NOT occupied for +5 turns by one of your military units, THEN the Fort / Outpost will become neutral AND you will LOSE the territory, until you send a military until back onto the tile.However, an enemy unit, or even just a unit from a different civilization can ALSO send a military unit onto the Fort / Outpost tile and then the other civilization will claim the tile and surrounding tiles, and it will become part of their territory. Having multiple of these is quite costly, so there is a trade-off between cost in gold / benefit in tactical advantage and/or resource advantage.

I am not sure how Mods are created and work, nor how difficult it is to create a Mod. However, if it is possible for someone to create versions of these Mods that are compatible with the Vox Populi Mod, that would be much appreciated. Thankyou for reading this. :D
My Civ 5 game keeps crashing. It is what is called a CTD crash. It happened in the version from October, and even now. What is annoying , is that it LITERALLY does not crash until around turn 120 - 150. Spending like 20 - 50 HOURS just to find out i CANNOT finish the game because of crashing is annoying. I am using ALL the Vox Populi Mods that come installed. It has happened in multiple different save game's. So i tried different combination of Mods from the Steam Workshop, and even reduced the mods down to 3 Mods that are NOT from Vox Populi.

One of the Mods is from here. It is Border Fortress - Outposts (v .7). The other two, are the Slavery Mod from the Steam Workshop (This Mod is DIFFERENT than the slavery Mod from this website They are different slavery Mods). Also, the Wonder Race Mod from the Steam Workshop.

I am not sure where and/or who to ask this of; so i will ask it here.

I think one of the NON -- Vox Populi Mods, is NOT compatible with Vox Populi. Is it possible for someone to make compatible versions of them? I really like the Wonder Race Mod, because it is EXTREMELY ANNOYING to spend 20+ turns on a wonder just to lose the wonder with 1 turn remaining.The Wonder Race Mod tells you which player is in the lead, and of you are losing, AND by how many turns you are losing by.

The slavery Mod (as the name suggests), turns captured workers, and settlers INTO slaves (reduced work rate costs ZERO gold upkeep). The Mod ALSO gives you slaves WHEN you capture a city (I think it is +1 slave per city population?). But the exact mechanics are confusing, so i am not exactly sure if that is the case or not. Also, the slaves, can, and WILL eventually revolt, turning into barbarians. If a slave revolt occurs, 1 or more of them slaves WILL turn into barbarians, but NOT all slaves can or will revolt necessarily. (Also, apparently if a slave revolt occurs with a slave turning into a barbarian in a city, the city will change ownership, and belong to the barbarians - If this could be changed in a new version to NOT happen that would be great -- Since i captured a city, and got 6 slaves, then the slave revolt happened the very next turn, BEFORE i had a chance to even move the newly captured slaves even once --Then i lost the city because a slave turned into a barbarian and became a spearman).

The revolt might also be caused by the number of total slaves, and perhaps their proximity to each other. (Since i went back to the previous turn, deleted the 4 or 5 other slaves i had, then went to the next turn, and NO slave revolt occurred).

Also, there is the Fortress Borders - Outposts (v .7) Mod from this website (this is based on, and a re-creation of the original Fortress Borders (v .4) Mod from the Steam Workshop). Both Mods are similar, but also different. The original Fortress Borders Mod uses the FORT improvement and simply adds game mechanics to that. Whereas, the Outposts version from this website, adds an entirely NEW improvement called the Outpost. The Outpost, has a +5 gold maintenance cost, and gives +35 defense to units stationed inside it (whereas the Fort has the +50 defense for units stationed inside the improvement).

The main game mechanic though, is that the Fort (in the original), and the Outpost (in the newer version that is on this website), can be built OUTSIDE of your territory, and when constructed, will make the tile where it is built, and the surrounding tiles, will become yours, The Fort / Outpost (depending on version), can ALSO be used to take enemy territory, exactly the same as how a Great General would take enemy territory. Side note - If the Fort / Outpost is NOT inside your territory AND is NOT occupied for +5 turns by one of your military units, THEN the Fort / Outpost will become neutral AND you will LOSE the territory, until you send a military until back onto the tile.However, an enemy unit, or even just a unit from a different civilization can ALSO send a military unit onto the Fort / Outpost tile and then the other civilization will claim the tile and surrounding tiles, and it will become part of their territory. Having multiple of these is quite costly, so there is a trade-off between cost in gold / benefit in tactical advantage and/or resource advantage.

I am not sure how Mods are created and work, nor how difficult it is to create a Mod. However, if it is possible for someone to create versions of these Mods that are compatible with the Vox Populi Mod, that would be much appreciated. Thankyou for reading this. :D

I often get CTD at this point in the game with just VP installed, but there is no way to know for sure without disabling other mods, or having someone on the VP team debug the crash file for you.

I think the new debug messages before the CTD will be nice for troubleshooting, but what I think would be really nice is a sort of "stable version" that less adventurous types can use that is unlikely to have game-breaking bugs. I apologize if something like this already exists, but I am just overlooking it.

I love the VP mod, but it is quite frustrating to not be able to finish a game much of the time.

The versions on the "How To Install" page are generally intended to be more stable, but I often find myself having crashes with these anyway.
I often get CTD at this point in the game with just VP installed, but there is no way to know for sure without disabling other mods, or having someone on the VP team debug the crash file for you.

I think the new debug messages before the CTD will be nice for troubleshooting, but what I think would be really nice is a sort of "stable version" that less adventurous types can use that is unlikely to have game-breaking bugs. I apologize if something like this already exists, but I am just overlooking it.

I love the VP mod, but it is quite frustrating to not be able to finish a game much of the time.

The versions on the "How To Install" page are generally intended to be more stable, but I often find myself having crashes with these anyway.

When i played the game this time. I received a few different error messages, but that was approximately 50-100 turns before the CTD error. There was NO error message for the CTD crash.

Though, in regards to the Mods, that were NOT VP Mods. They might not be FULLY compatible with the Vox Populi Mod (This is the VP, EUI, 43 Civ, Squads, Community Patch, - and whatever other Modmods were installed when downloading and installing the newest version from this website. I decided to download the newest version, specifically because of the feature where the error message would appear.

Though i would presume that the error messages ONLY work with VP compatible Mods.
The crash is reproducible? I.e. same time every time you load the game, even from a couple auto saves back?
Error message will come when code hits an assert. It could still be code related without having the assert there (very important to find such a crash) OR its memory related (which are usually the non-reproducible ones).
You can also try to swap to the civ where the crash happens using ctrl+shift+P and see if you can get around it.
Finally, upload to github

Generally speaking, it is not recommend to play with non VP compatible gameplay mods. Since you aren't an expert in modding I think your best course of action is to ditch them.
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