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[TUTORIAL] Video Tutorials on Modding Civ4


Feb 11, 2010
At the Foot of the Cross
Video Tutorials on Modding Civ4

Welcome to Overexplained, a new video tutorial series I am creating that explains different topics on modding Civ4. I over-explain things to the point where I hope everyone who wants to learn how to mod can comprehend things. Video tutorials will hopefully confer the clarity needed.

As I create more tutorials for this series, I will be adding them here. My goal is one or more a week.

Melee Weapon Swap Tutorial
Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: Basic XML Knowledge, Basic File Structure Knowledge

Relevant Files
NifSkope 1.2.0 Alpha 2 Download
Files Used in Video

File Structure Tutorial

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: None

Relevant Files and Programs

How to Create a Mod

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: None

Relevant Files and Programs


Kathy - Ballista

How to Add a Leaderhead

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Create a Mod

Relevant Files and Programs

Henry the VIII


Midnight-Blue766 - Henry the VIII LH

How to Add a Custom Button

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Add a Leaderhead

Relevant Files and Programs
GIMP 2.8

DDS Plugin
Henry the VIII
Button Outline

Midnight-Blue766 - Henry the VIII LH

Basic NifSwap Tutorial

Spoiler :
Expertise Required: Basic XML Knowledge, Basic File Structure Knowledge, Weapon Swap (recommended)

Relevant Files
NifSkope 1.2.0 Alpha 2 Download
Files Used in Video

mechaerik - Original Militia
Bakuel - Arabic Worker

How to Create a DECAL Flag

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Add a Button (recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs
GIMP 2.8

DDS Plugin

How to Copy a Civilization to Another Mod

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Add a Leaderhead (recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs

How to Install a Modular Civilization
Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Add a Leaderhead (recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs

Editing Leaderheads in Blender

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: Basic NIF Swap Tutorial

Relevant Files and Programs

NifSkope 1.2.0 Alpha 2 Download
Blender 3.4
NifTools Addon for Blender
cfkane - Xerxes LH

How to Add a Promotion

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Create a Mod (Recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs
Buttons (Part 26) by FK2006

Line by Line

Line by Line is a tutorial series where we take an in-depth look at the XML Files used for Civ4 modding. I convey the nitty-gritty details of each tag and ramble on. :D

Line by Line: Intro Video

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Create a Mod (Recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs


Line by Line: CivilizationInfos (Civ4 Modding)

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Create a Mod (Recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs


Know Your Tools

Know Your Tools is a tutorial series where we take an in-depth look at the tools for Civ4 modding. I convey the tips and tricks I know to make things work, and I hope you learn something from these.

Know Your Tools: GIMP Basics

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Add a Button (recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs
Papal Spearman
GIMP 2.8

DDS Plugin

Know Your Tools: Worldbuilder Basics

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: How to Create a Mod (Recommended)

Relevant Files and Programs

Worldbuilder Modiki

Tactics and Tips

Tactics and Tips is a tutorial series where I simply work on my modding projects while I give you tips that help you figure out how modding works on an extremely practical level.

Tactics and Tips: Shield Tactics

Spoiler details :
Expertise Required: GIMP Basics, How to Make a Button

Relevant Files and Programs

GIMP 2.8
DDS Plugin
Bakuel's Vladimir-Suzdal Unit Pack


Bakuel - Original Unit

If you'd like a tutorial on a specific thing that I know how to do, please let me know and I might be able to do it.


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I over-explain things to the point where I hope everyone who wants to learn how to mod can comprehend things.

These tutorials are perfect, topsecret. Thank you so much for creating them!

I also had a good laugh at the title - I don't think anyone can overexplain things to me when it comes to nifskope :D

I'll make my first attempt at weapon-swapping this weekend. Thanks again :thumbsup:
Is the swaped tutorial worked with a Ranged units weapon?
I will be doing one of those later. To some extent, but sometimes you will encounter graphical glitches. The basic method is the same but sometimes the effects for the gun or bow will look funny until you fix them.

Also sometimes a weapon's visibility needs to be changed. For example, the Archer needs to hide his bow when fighting melee. I will make a tutorial explaining it all later.
Hello topsecret!

So I finally tried my hand at weapon-swapping and (I'd like to think) it was a resounding success! Thank you for the tutorial. The video format not only helped me go through it step by step, but it was especially useful to watch you move and rotate the weapon. And I also got a sense of ‘estimated time to complete’ ;)
Spoiler :

Maybe I missed something, but the only problem I ran into is that the DDS files didn’t load for the version of NifSkope 1.2.0 Alpha 2 DDS files not loading.png As you can see, I simply got the blank white NIF model (I’m using Windows 10, if that matters). I found it a little tricky to work without the ‘coloring-in’ provided by the DDS.

But I was able to follow your tutorial using a more recent version of NifSkope, so the knowledge has clearly been well-transmitted :thumbsup:

For my first attempt, I’ve swapped a short-sword from a unit file titled ‘guide’ (from C2C maybe?) I’ve included this file along with the finished product and a backup of the GondorScout before the branch remove NifSkope 2.0 Dev 7.png

Thank you, thank you, topsecret! Overexplained has opened up a world of possibilities for me :goodjob:


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Great job @tantanmen!

For the error with displaying textures, did you open the file directly from the folder, or did you open it after opening NifSkope?

NifSkope uses the current file directory for textures usually.
I've added How to Create a Mod to the first post. Check it out if you are just getting started and need to see some basic XML modding. :)
Great job @tantanmen!

For the error with displaying textures, did you open the file directly from the folder, or did you open it after opening NifSkope?

NifSkope uses the current file directory for textures usually.

Hello topsecret,

I tried what you suggested, but I still haven't been able to load the dds in the older version of nifskope. It's a bummer, but not a major problem for now. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the version I'm using won't fail me further down the road...:borg:

When you have time, I've also been trying to understand what is in the realm of possibilities for swapping a unit's kfm files. For example:

1) Would it be (reasonably) possible to create a worker unit from the GondorScout?

2) Would it be (reasonably) possible to create a chariot unit from the Gondor Axeman?

Thank you for the guidance and encouragement :thumbsup:
Hello topsecret,

I tried what you suggested, but I still haven't been able to load the dds in the older version of nifskope. It's a bummer, but not a major problem for now. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the version I'm using won't fail me further down the road...:borg:

When you have time, I've also been trying to understand what is in the realm of possibilities for swapping a unit's kfm files. For example:

1) Would it be (reasonably) possible to create a worker unit from the GondorScout?

2) Would it be (reasonably) possible to create a chariot unit from the Gondor Axeman?

Thank you for the guidance and encouragement :thumbsup:
Both of the above are likely possible using a NifSwap. You actually don't change the KFM at all - you copy the body and paste it on the unit you want to use the animations of.

I can do that tutorial next. :)
And I have no idea why old NifSkope isn't working. Hmm. Maybe I can scour the old NifSkope threads and see.

Because the new NifSkope gave me trouble when I tried to do... a NifSwap. :lol:
Both of the above are likely possible using a NifSwap. You actually don't change the KFM at all - you copy the body and paste it on the unit you want to use the animations of.

I can do that tutorial next. :)

You just totally blew my mind :crazyeye:
So simple, and yet I never would have guessed that was possible :smug:

Because the new NifSkope gave me trouble when I tried to do... a NifSwap. :lol:

:lol: Well, I do tend to learn better from my mistakes... :popcorn:
Hello again topsecret!

I'm proud to say that thanks to your tutorial, I've completed my first shield swap:D Thank you again. I'm going to try to re-skin the shield, but I wanted to ask: What program would you recommend I use for dds art?

Thank you :thumbsup:

Unit requests thread
I use GIMP. It's free.

You need dds extension to export... I can't remember where I got it so let me try to find it. :lol:
Alright you have to use GIMP 2.8, because they haven't updated the DDS plugins to the newest version. That can be found here by scrolling down to "previous 2.8 installers".

Then follow the instructions below, downloading the DDS plugins from Google Code Archive.

1. Download the GIMP DDS Plugin
Follow this link to download the DDS plugin for GIMP. Click on Downloads and click the version that matches your Windows (32 or 64-bit). You will see that it was not updated since 2013. It is very old but it still works. Save the file somewhere accessible, like your desktop. You will need it soon.

2. Find the GIMP Plugin Folder
On Windows 10 64-bit, open file explorer, then select This PC (it used to be My Computer on previous versions of Windows). Open Local Disk C, and go to Program Files x86 (just Program Files for 32-bit Windows).

Navigate to GIMP-2.0, and then click on lib. Next click on gimp, choose 2.0 and go to plug-ins.

3. Drag the Downloaded File to GIMP Plugin Folder
Now you need to go back to desktop and double-click the plugin file you downloaded. Unzip it and then drag the dds.exe file and drop it in your GIMP plug-ins folder.

When you open GIMP again you should have the ability to open Direct Draw Surface files. If this did not work, try using the Installer that came in the file you downloaded. Just double-click it and follow the instructions.
If you're not used to drawing programs, it may be overwhelming at first. The colors tab at the top has some tools that are easy to recolor with. GIMP has great documentation online, and... who knows...? I might do a video with it this week. ;)
Great, thanks so much for the quick and thorough response :goodjob: I'll get everything downloaded and set up.

If you're not used to drawing programs, it may be overwhelming at first.

*whelp* I get overwhelmed with MS Paint :cry:

and... who knows...? I might do a video with it this week. ;)
Thank you topsecret for everything you're doing on Overexplained !! :banana:
A new video was just released! How to Add a Leaderhead teaches you the basics of adding one via XML. We add a really nice Henry the VIII leaderhead.

And a tutorial on GIMP is forthcoming next. When, I don't know, but perhaps tomorrow...
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From the latest tutorial, quoting topsecret: “I made a new mod, called Overexplained” => more dancing!! :dance:

A lot of these things took me a l-o-n-g time to figure out on my own, so I’m sure other newcomers will benefit from this. Also, it never hurts to review the basics – I’ve picked up a few new things from each tutorial so far. Thanks again for another great video :goodjob:
Oh, something I’d like to ask, if you ever have some time for it:

Sooo, to combine what you have shown us about NifSkope and how to add a new LH, I wanted to try to modify cfkane’s Xerxes (from the movie 300) and create a new Sumerian LH, Eannatum
The Great.

I know how to ‘Block>Remove’ and ‘Block>Remove Branch’, but what I am still struggling to understand is how I can separate and remove only a select part of an object.

Specifically, what I would like to attempt is to remove Xerxes’ facial piercings, but keep his collar and bracelets.
Xerxes 300 to Eannatum.png
I can locate all of these things as a single object, in this case listed as 215 NiTriShape (Name/Value ‘Cylinder.008) and I don’t even know if that’s the right start, all I can say is that I have no idea what to do next… but I get the impression that this might be the next gate I need to clear in NifSkoping. Please, take me with you :assimilate:

p.s.: And if it’s a really complicated operation I apologize in advance :dunno:

Thank you topsecret :w00t:


Oh, something I’d like to ask, if you ever have some time for it:

Sooo, to combine what you have shown us about NifSkope and how to add a new LH, I wanted to try to modify cfkane’s Xerxes (from the movie 300) and create a new Sumerian LH, Eannatum
The Great.

I know how to ‘Block>Remove’ and ‘Block>Remove Branch’, but what I am still struggling to understand is how I can separate and remove only a select part of an object.

Specifically, what I would like to attempt is to remove Xerxes’ facial piercings, but keep his collar and bracelets.
View attachment 569435
I can locate all of these things as a single object, in this case listed as 215 NiTriShape (Name/Value ‘Cylinder.008) and I don’t even know if that’s the right start, all I can say is that I have no idea what to do next… but I get the impression that this might be the next gate I need to clear in NifSkoping. Please, take me with you :assimilate:

p.s.: And if it’s a really complicated operation I apologize in advance :dunno:

Thank you topsecret :w00t:
Well, you have reached a critical part - there's no way to do that in NifSkope (afaik). Objects stuck together can't be removed easily. We'll have to graduate to Blender for that to happen. I'll do that after we mess around in GIMP some. :)
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