VVV - Leage of Nations Reqs?


Mar 29, 2013
How many games do you need to submit for League of Nations? Does submitting 1 game with every leader count? 6 games of each? Is it medals with said leaders? I'm still trying to figure out how the tables work anyway :lol:
Oh, well that's nifty! If that's the case then I just completed LoN with my submissions in the last 24hrs. Would that put my name on the LoN 34/34 board on next update?
Awesuuuum! Now that I have 1 category down, I need to work on the others.. After (very successfully) applying my honed duel rush tactics to a tiny diety game, I feel more confident in taking the Diety AI out back for a walk with my shotgun. Small's up next.

I just fear I cannot complete the "Go the Distance" part, simply because I dont think my machine could handle a huge map. Prior to getting G+K and updates, my system would crash Vanilla games EVERY time prior to about the AD1600's, and that's with me staying strictly in Strategy view. Now that I have G+K, my system almost never crashes, even when I accidently go to standard view. System drops to about 10fps normal view, but remains very stable. I'm one of those people, you know, who shouldn't be playing this game because of how crappy their system is. Unlike most of those people though, I've been rebuilding my PC since I was 7 and writing simple programs since 13. I know how to squeeze every last drop of processing power out of my CPU and GPU. Even though it's onboard and 128mb, I can still play Oblivion & Skyrim at 32fps. Civ 4 never once crashed on me (lucky) even huge maps, Civ 5 vanilla lagged at the main menu for me *doh*

Firaxis sure went gung-ho on the graphics for this one. Zoomed textures, shading, refractions... Seems they spent more time on the Front-End then they did on the "back-end."
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