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Apr 5, 2007
What do you use as your deciding factor to go to war?

Is it:
- lack of room to expand
- AI player has a better score than you
- AI player has a worst score than you
- whole lotta units sitting around doing nothing

So basically What makes you snap and go, "allright this fockers going down!!!"
What do you use as your deciding factor to go to war?

Is it:
- lack of room to expand
- AI player has a better score than you
- AI player has a worst score than you
- whole lotta units sitting around doing nothing

So basically What makes you snap and go, "allright this fockers going down!!!"

I don't snap. I'm cold and calculating by nature :scan: my wars are preplanned and they are mostly for territory
Resources and stratigic positioning mainly.
I also consider the score and how much the other Civs 'like' my target.
These are the main things that go through my head:

1) They have resources I want (especially happiness resources).
2) They have wonders I want.
3) They have founded a religion.
4) They have a shrine.
5) I can fight them without exposing my back to someone like Monty.
6) I can enlist an ally.
7) My military is capable of winning. (I'm not attacking a larger, more advanced target.)
8) I can afford the cost in unit support, and extra city maintenance costs. (I have a tendency to launch wars shortly before or after getting Code of Laws.)
Motives for war ?
1. Other civs exist.
2. They are within reach.
3. I can beat them, and any stinker who thinks I can't fight successfully on several fronts.
4. Pillaging will pay my costs and (usually) more.
Motives for war ?
1. Other civs exist.
2. They are within reach.
3. I can beat them, and any stinker who thinks I can't fight successfully on several fronts.
4. Pillaging will pay my costs and (usually) more.

This looks to me like the words of a hardenned warmonger, who can't understand why someone wouldn't go to war?
I just like the smell of Napalm in the morning!
How did you guess ? But I usually do a lot of building as well; so I do a lot of research and get techs for better units. Oh, the pleasure of destroying enemy riflemen with my modern armour . . . however, that only brings 1 XP per fight. I suppose I should attack earlier, expect more losses, but probably get more GGs, but I can't bring myself to attack unless the odds are very heavily in my favour.
What do you use as your deciding factor to go to war?

So basically What makes you snap and go, "allright this fockers going down!!!"

1) treachery!! (sneak attack against me)
2) enslaved worker (this would never happen, as I'd not declare peace until my people are free!)
3) because they are the English!
4) resources
5) score
6) land
7) boredom
depends on the situation
sometimes for a resource, sometimes to cut down a score, sometimes for territory, sometimes I never go to war
I usually have my war well planned, with specific goals and have my forces assembled before hand as much as possible though.
Motives, eh?

(1) Technologies. You must all know that any Civ, if properly beaten, will yield a fair amount of techs.

(2) Gold. Gold to fund my research, duh!

(3) Shrines. I don't build any of the early religions. So I get gold to fund my deficit as I research.

(4) Land. With the combination of loot from the Civ and any shrines I may take, I will be able fund the deficit of maintenance as I set my research slider upwards.

I feel so good when I'm at least six techs ahead of any other Civ, but that comes rarely in levels higher than Prince.
I like to attack early, so i go after whoever is close and/or weak. later i just attack for position mostly.
I usually plan out where all my cities will go early on. If you settle in a city spot I really wanted, I start gearing up for war with you. After this happens, or if everything goes smooth early on, I start making friends. Then all my wars are based off of position and relations. ANything else is usually me expanding in my original territory through war with neighbors that don't get along with me.
1. To show the worlld my power.
2. More cities=more research and more money(If done properly).
3. To gain vassals(Captiliates)
4. Money,money,money
5. To deal with annoying leaders who will do it to you later.
6. Holy cities.
7. Fun.;)
#1 annoying leaders starting right next to me (monty, toku, alexander). i'll immediately prepare for war and extinct them.
#2 an abysmally military weak civ is my neighbour. raze, pillage, bully them to give out all their techs and money and wipe them off the planet.
#3 they sit on MY continent (always a good reason to start war)
#4 i notice all previous wars went very well and world domination is in reach (my favorite victory type) i'll start world war :D
I play on mid to high difficulty so I only have 2 reasons- 1. I have enough UU's and this is my only chance. 2.(and more likely scenario) survival. AI has declared war on me.
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