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Warlords BattleCiV - A Total Conversion MOD

I need someone to exchange some ideas, to ruminate on the other Civs abilities.
Is there any one up to that? Civitar is my only help right now, and - although he is great at this - we have very different clocks and he is just one person (as far as I know).

I already have all (but the Knights) Components already done, but I come back to them and change some bits once in a while. Some outside thought would be greatly appreciated. :)
I love that UA design!

Thanks man! :D
I might need to change it a bit, though; I can't make the UB extra bombard range work.

My options are:
1 - Exchanging the second part of the UA with the Building and limiting the extra bombard range by needing to research a certain Tech;
2 - Making the UB a National Wonder.
Added the last 3 Leaders for the Pack II!

Lady Sadine, the head of the Sirian house of the Knights of Etheria, comes with a focus on trade routes. This Civilization is famous for their flexible cavalry tactics, able to strike on archery formations with ease, as well as going toe-to-toe with any other army alive.

The Broodmother Dialytes comes empowered by the Gaze of Lord Melkor, one of the Four Dark Horseman. Scavenging the desert while isolated from their enemies, the Swarm is more than happy to play the patience game.

Lemony Cottondrop knows the path to gold. The Fey are nimble and, with enough gold, they can increase their connection to the Dreamland to incredible levels, making them stronger than any metal this world can produce.
I could help! I wonder if I can get Warlords 3 running. Warlords 2 is easy (DOSBOX) but 3 was on Windows 95 and, sadly, had a lot more uniqueness between factions.

If you can afford a couple of bucks, you can download the game from GOG and it runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10: WARLORDS BATTLECRY 3
Nice mod!

Found this thread when researching Infinite Interactive. The first two Warlords games are not set in Etheria. The Etheria setting only came into being with Warlords III.

If you need more ideas:

After WBC3, Infinite Interactive actually considered making Warlords V, as can be seen in this design diary. You can see they had 20 factions planned, with the Diraqines (Al-Diraq) and Goblins added to the WBC3 roster.

Puzzle Kingdoms introduced two additional factions, the Pirates, who are pirates of the Dragon Isles ("Dragons' Maze" in WBC3) to the east of Diraqine Empire, and the Gorgons, followers of the sealed Fifth Horseman (also called Gorgon). The minion Gorgons are typical D&D-style metallic bulls. The only thing we know about their social structure is that they are "led by a Gorgon Warlord". We actually get to fight Gorgon herself in her fortress in Puzzle Quest 2.
Last pack is published:

Warlords BattleCiv Pack-IV (Steam)
Version: 1.0
Requires: DLL VariousModComponents from v66 onwards.
(You can't have more than one Mod with a DLL file at a time, if you have one DISABLE IT before using DLL VMC)

This is the last pack in the main series. The next steps for me with BattleCiV are:
- Smooth out the code-wise with all packs, making one major patch with the intention of squashing any remaining bugs, ironing the code and fixing more balance issues.
- Add DoM for every Civ.
- Get audio for each Unit and DoM.
- Art upgrade when/if needed (Icons/Flags/DoM/Maps).
- Add new features to start the crossing over to Total Conversion.
- Pack with additional civs (Ogres and Goblins from the main series and some others from another game I like very much). I might need some ideas here!
- Support to 3rd and 4th Unique Components.
- Events & Decisions support (will be the last one).

Contains the following Civilizations:


Daemon - Gokh'xag Extraplanar Lord
UA: Fiery Disposition - Non-Daemon, non-Capital cities you conquer are instantly razed and cause a 2-turn Anarchy in the enemy’s cities. +2 Science from Bonus and Strategic Resources.
UU: Daemon - Replaces the Musketman. Flyer. Gives XP to every adjacent unit after attacking. May summon an Imp upon killing an enemy (based on enemy’s Level).
UI: Chaos Shrine - Requires Metal Casting +1 Happiness and +1 Gold in the Capital. After the discovery of Physics, generates points towards the summoning of a Daemon in the Capital. Workers may be sacrificed here for a chance to summon a Daemon. -1 Food.


Dwarf - King Korin VI
UA: Masterful Engineering - The second item in the production queue, if it is an Unit or a Building, gets 25% of the City’s Production output. After a Wonder is completed, all other buildings in the queue get a boost.
UU: Khazrimi Guard - Replaces the Longswordsman. Heals adjacent military units after defeating an enemy. Starts with Block I and Demolition Man (+200% CS against Cities) Promotions.
UB: Brewery - Replaces the Barracks. +1 Gold, +1 Food, 1 Engineer Specialist. Units created here gain the ability to get Drunk*. +15 EXP. +6 Defense to the City.

* Costs 35 gold. Must be in friendly territory. Generates 1 Culture per turn while drunk, has +1 movement, increases attack but reduces defense. Lasts up to 10 turns.


Selentine Empire - King Sirras Lawbringer
UA: Awe of the Sun - Completing a Policy Tree makes the Empire enter the Sun Quest Festival. Allied City-States gain military units regularly.
UU: Lion's Coin - Replaces the Great Merchant and brings more gold with a Mission than the regular Merchant. May not build Custom Houses. Creates a 5-turn Sun Quest Festival when performing a mission in a City-state's territory.
UB: Archway - Replaces the Harbor. No Harbor benefits. +1 Gold, +25% Faith, +20% Great People generation in this City. Merchant specialist slot.


Minotaur - Rothtar Dragonslayer
UA: Sartek's Spirit - Units may eat Animal resources on the map to heal. Melee units have the Sartek’s Hide promotion, which increases defense.
UU: Horned Berserker - Replaces the Swordsman, but is more expensive and slightly weaker (20 instead of 21). +100% Experience from fighting. Strength increases as life decreases. Has +1 movement for each 20 HP missing.
UI: Basilisk Pen - Available at Trapping. Hills only. +1 Science, +1 Gold. Creates a Sheep resource. May not be built near another Pen.
greets from "warlords 3: darklords rising" fan ;)
didn't play battlecry though

I could help! I wonder if I can get Warlords 3 running. Warlords 2 is easy (DOSBOX) but 3 was on Windows 95 and, sadly, had a lot more uniqueness between factions.
you can get W3DLR here: http://lastcitadel.ru/Downloads.aspx
worked on win7 and win8 for me
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