Weird Situation

Weird Situation

  • Push the ancients around and make them kill eachother

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • kill them right now myself with hordes of cossaks and riflemen

    Votes: 15 62.5%

  • Total voters


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
I have a very strange game going on right now. I am playing on Diety as the Russians on a Standard map with 7 other civs. Anyways, what's strange is is that I have a huge contient under my control that has all needed resources and all luxuries except Spices while all the other civs have small islands one of which is one tile long. All of these civs are in the ancient age and i am in the middle of building Railroads. :) My question is should i kill them now:rocket2: or just pull them around for a little while letting them kill eachother?:confused: :confused: :confused:
(That's odd, it said I couldn't vote, and yet, on the 2nd try, it said I already did... :))

Anyway, it seems you're quite advanced, so I'd say just let them fight each other (and watch them while they're fighting! :)), then go in for the kill.
have fun, demand the unreasonable, allie them off against each other try to piss 'em off enough to attack you aand then laugh at 'em. sounds like fun, would ya post the .sav? i'd love to play it.
Originally posted by EQandcivfanatic
what's strange is is that I have a huge contient under my control that has all needed resources and all luxuries except Spices while all the other civs have small islands one of which is one tile long.

:lol: Post a screen shot, thats hilarious!
I presently am in the year 1810 and i can see the whole map. There are only five contients and a lot of islands. 1 civ started on a one tile island the others started on much smaller continents than me. I am at war with the Americans and Japaneese the only ones in the industrial age. All the others civs are either ancient or medieval. I am going to post a SAV. file after I get back today. The weirdest thing about this map i have noticed is there are no seas, fish or whales. Everything is separated by coast or ocean and there is a huge gap of ocean to the right of my contient and to the left there are all the little civs. What I am enjoying right now is bombing their %^#s off with bombers and Destroyers.
What you ought to do is PLAY GOD. Be everyone's best friend, give to BOTH warring nations, selective ammount of money n tech, n watch the results. Much like wat USA is doin now.
You can even send in "Peacekeepers" to patrol the borderlines of the smaller nations. Haha
I was way ahead of you DBSD13, I have exited out of the war so now the teams are Iriqouis(ancient), Eygpt(medieval), and France(industrial just recently) vs. America(industrial) and Japan(industrial). I am selling saltpeter, iron, and horses to both sides in return for spices. I have "peacekeeping" Destroyers, Subs, Carriers, and Battleships all along both sides sea borders.

SKILORD here's your SAV file
The above SAV is from awhile before where i am now. However, unless you play very bad. The computer must have had a very bad day when designing this map as the contient i am on is covered with resiources. It is a very uneven match for all the other civs.
I just beat it right before a good war started. It gave me a &*^* cultral victory.:mad: I had just built the Manhattan Project too. In abour 10 turns i would have nuked all my enimies off the face of the earth.
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