Ball Lightning
Hi people, this is my first Multi-team DemoGame, can you add me to the list. And go team Innovia!!!!!
Off course. I play guitar, bass and keyboard (not at the same time though ).Sir Bugsy said:Oh, and do we have any musicians? We need to start a band
Both links lead to the turn thread.You can see how the team is doing here.
We're also getting whacked in a casual succesion game we're playing.
Team Epsilon: Probably the best team...
Don't forget it was the Christian holy city too, I think.Team Loco: The first team we met. They don't seem to be very active. Their team is now rather backwards. They're Gandhi of India. They have built some wonders (Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and the Parthenon from the top of my head). They have founded Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. We have just razed one of their cities, the one with the Pyramids and the Parthenon!
Second best.Team Epsilon: Probably the best team.