Welcome New Members

Hi! Just stumbled across this forum searching for interesting mods. Played Civ III a lot back when it first came out, and have rediscovered it again recently. Amazed to see the wealth of resources available here. Really great stuff!
setew2: It's pretty easy to get around the site if you stick around for a bit. The top part is for Civ 4: there you'll find info about BtS and Warlords, as well as mods for Civ 4, strategy, stories and tales, etc. There's also a Mac forum.

Below this are similar subfora for Civ 3 and Civ 2, and below them is a smaller subforum for Civ 1. (Be warned: the 'Never-Ending Stories' sub-subforum in the Civ 3 section is dangerous. There be dragons. :p)

Under that you'll find 'Other Games' - the perfect place to go if you are a fan of SMAC (*ptooi*), Colonisation, CTP, Diplomacy, Total War or Pirates!. And make sure to visit Forum Games, which is a sub-subforum of All Other Games, as it's just so cool there. :cooool:

Underneath that... there's Off-Topic, which is full of people yelling at each other because they think they're right; World History, which is basically more of the same but its userbase lives in the past; Sports Talk, Humour and Jokes, Computer Talk, Other Civ-Related Sites are all pretty self-explanatory.

Then there's Site Feedback, which surprisingly enough is full of feedback about the site, and News, which is full of... three guesses.

Hello everyone! I've had a account for awhile but i'm actually starting to post now. I think I have finally found MY game. I just never get bored of this game! I can honestly say I have a heavy addiction. I havn't even tried online play( I have dial-up) and i'd like to try making my own maps/scenarios in time. Best forum ever!
Hello hello.
I'd just like to say that my stay could be temporary or for a long period of time. I suppose when Civ IV is released and how comfortable I am with the gameplay/mod tools will define that time. Overall I find the game much more tempting as I have recently started playing Civilization III extensively in preparation. I have played the game before but shelfed it for a long time and instead of focusing on the good things I kept following the hype of other games being released.

Suffice to say, I now find myself back in the Civilization series. I may have been to this site before, but only to read, never to post. It's very nice to meet you all. I hope your Civving is just as pleasent if not more than mine. :)

hello tout le mone
Hey guys,

New forum member here, benjiface is my name. I have been reading posts as a ghost for awhile and figured it was finally time to register. I am a Mac User, but don't hold that against me.

I have been a Civ player since Civ I, although I played very little of Civ II and III and made the leap to Civ IV. The game has sure gotten complex and I am trying to figure it out! I stink at it, but I have even managed to get my wife addicted to it.

In any case, it's good to be here.
Hello all, nice to be on board I hope you can all help me to rule the world (in Civ of course) or at least give a few tips on how to play the dammed thing :)
hi, everyone. Very glad to find this special civilization fans site. That's good place to find elite here.
Hello there! For a while now I've loved/used this site and have finally decided to become a (serious) member.

I'm only a little familiar with the workings around here, and have downloaded a few things. Though I could use some help if I come across a confusing article (in all actuallity I'd LOVE to mod just need explaining on what I need and how to do it:please: as I could help with things and have great ideas and countless hours of time).

Additionally, I could always use a few friends! For multiple purposes one of which being getting adjusted to online games (I've played Civ III. No longer have it. And have played Civ IV/Warlords lots and love it, best game ever!).

In general about myself, I love talking/meeting new people, especially people interested in the same stuff (history, politics, the world, all of which fits in with Civilization nicely). I could go detailed about myself but I'll save that for when I actually start talking to you people (PMs or something)>

Glad to be here and among such great people.:beer:
Well hello there.

The name's Dragdorn, from Singapore, 14 years old.

I play CivIII:pTW on a maniacal basis, and I'm gonna get CIV and Conquests soon. But until I get the money (kinda broke now), it's just CIII:pTW. That's good enough I'd think. I also happen to have CivII but I rarely play it these days.

Well, be seeing you guys then.
Hi, I'm steven from accounting, I love fly fishing, balancing spoons and skinning my victims alive with a potato knife.
Hello everyone. I started out playing Civ II when I was younger, but could never really get into it. I guess maybe because I couldn't grasp all the concepts as well as I can now. Anyhow, I bought Civ IV and became an overnight addict. Since then, I've gotten into Civ III, and find it to be my favorite in the series. Although I've played a decent amount, I still find I need some guidance. So if anyone ever wants to give me a little civ-playing advice, feel free. I'm happy I found this site though, and I hope to make some good friends here. Thanks guys.
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