What about a scenario for HR ?


Great Builder of Civs !
Mar 27, 2002
European Union
Like 1000 AD or 2000 AD ?

Or an alternative 1000 AD or alternative 2000 AD ?

Sorry but i'm not an historian while i'm fond of History...
1) Yes, possibly a 4th century scenario :)

In Mediterranean Sea and Europe and if possibly Black Sea...

Its a good idea : Setting this scenario in 395 AD by example...

2) And why not a Mediterranean 750 BC ?

3) And a 115 AD on Earth Map 100x56 ? The standard Earth Map packed with HR ?

After all... Should be nice a 115 AD with this goal making the fact that Roman could be prolongated to 2050 AD, or being the Persian Empire, or being the German Empire or other Empires of this period...
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