What happened to guerilla III promotion for archery units?


Nov 23, 2005

I miss being able to give my xbows this promotion when I am using them offensivley. I was curious as to why it was decided to remove it for this unit type that typically gets the guerilla promotion?

Thanks for making a great mod but this is one of the things that bothered me. My other concern was what good is serfdom, but in one of my latest games this week I actually found a good use for it. The -10% GPP production stinks though :( I don't know of any other civic that has a negative associated it.

The negative is implied on the others by not being able to run all of them at the same time, so not sure why this civic needs a minor hit the GPP production. I figure the instability already covered the oppression caused by this civic. If you wanted to potray oppression in this way, then slavery should also get the same or even greater GPP hit as well, since you are randomly dragging people off the street to work to death on some project.
I don't know why Gue3 was removed from archers; I'll add it back in. Serfdom no longer has a -10% decrease in GPP either, though this may be an upcoming change, I can't remember if I changed at that in 0.9.8, or if I have that changed in the current version on my computer (which is waiting on the RevDCM 2.7 release).
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