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What happened to my Airforce???


Nov 23, 2005
One of the main stratagies I used in Civ3 was get an airforce first, make lots of bombers before the flak defense was available for the other civilizations and then grab the real estate. Now in CIV I find that my good old airforce can't really take out anything completely. Once the units in a square are at 1/2 strength you can't even attack anymore. I take it this must be for game balance and I'm wondering what others are using the airfoce for other then decimating the landscape (which works well also ;) , but isn't nearly as satisfying as getting what I really want with little risk.) Thanks to all who respond.
Combined arms man. If you're airforce can knock out the culture defense and reduce their units to 50%, they're easy pickings for your armor.
But now I have to put the boys on the line. Remember, I usually have an airforce, but sacrificed things like cavalry and such to get there first. I find that now I will have to adjust my plan a bit to make sure I have those mech units to back up the fly boys. Any idea why the change in game balance?
Half-strengh units are easy targets, more if you're technologically ahead.

It should be easier than killing a cow.:devil:

You shouldn't lose even a unit if your attack is properly planned.

EDIT : the thing that bug me the most is that you cannot rebase bombers on carrier anymore.
The way combat works in this version, a half health unit is basically dead anyway, so you wont have to modify your strategy too much. Just roll them over with a couple of tanks after you bomb them.

The main use I have for air support is to send in fighters to bombard, then bombers for collateral damage, then the tanks just roll right into town. They basically speed up your conquests by replacing catapults/artillary. You no longer have to move one tile per turn after you get bombers.

Also, it's good to hit sea units with your air force, before you attack with your own navy. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot for sea battles.
Yeldaoh50 said:
Any idea why the change in game balance?

Because all-something and no-somethingelse is not balance.

If your Civ3 army consisted of 8 parts planes, 6 parts artillery and 1 part tanks, that's not balance. Civ 4 is trying to make the game encourage the best army to have 2 parts armor (with different promotions) 2 parts infantry (with different promotions) 3 parts artillery (with different promotions), 2 parts air and two parts sea (with different promotions).

I still think they didnt succeed, but they're trying.
Yeldaoh50 said:
But now I have to put the boys on the line. Remember, I usually have an airforce, but sacrificed things like cavalry and such to get there first. I find that now I will have to adjust my plan a bit to make sure I have those mech units to back up the fly boys. Any idea why the change in game balance?

It's a different game.

Plus, what fun is it to just roll over the other civs with no fight back? None really. If you want to conquest now you need to work at it, as it should be. You will lose units, that's ok. You need not only tech lead but need numbers as well. 3 tanks taking 10 cities with no damage was no fun in Civ 3. In Civ 4 you gotta really want it to take cities.
Bombers are fun, but you should really try out Artillery. I find them MUCH cheaper and more useful, since they completely ignore SAM infantry and fighters. I keep some bombers around, but only for deep strike missions against resources. And often I just use helicopters for those instead.
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