[BTS] Completely puzzled by this map. I have tried multiple strategies and can't figure it out

I didn't consider whipping those tiles without a granary. I never switched to slavery even.

I went writing-alpha. Not sure if it's the best, there are many things you could go for.
How did you get ALPHA down to 4 turns in turn 72? I can't get it down to less than 6 by that point. I teched Writing>Alpha. I worked the same tiles too on capital, though I don't know what to work in second city.
How did you get ALPHA down to 4 turns in turn 72?
I don't know really and I don't have the autosaves. I did nothing special, capital isn't growing so it can only work those 4 tiles, 2nd city started with a worker, then grew. I did capture a cottage Fred built, maybe that makes the difference.
I don't know really and I don't have the autosaves. I did nothing special, capital isn't growing so it can only work those 4 tiles, 2nd city started with a worker, then grew. I did capture a cottage Fred built, maybe that makes the difference.
Spoiler Turn 85 :

How's this looking so far?



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