What Happened to My Religion?

Hi guys also what are the rules of cross border for inquisitors. I have converted a neighbor city of another civ to my religion, I am friends with them but no open borders I still can not send my inquisitors. Is this a bug or meant that way.
You do get Casus Belli - Holy War- once yoe get the civic for it.
I didn't have that option even after researching the civic, so it's not working well. And I think it shouldn't be civic based anyway. It should always be available.
I didn't have that option even after researching the civic, so it's not working well. And I think it shouldn't be civic based anyway. It should always be available.

I actually hadn't noticed that. So it's a government choice? Not sure I am too fond of that.

Actually come to think of it, one of my only real beefs with the game is that once you get far enough into the game, you have sp many policy choices available, that it's hard to make sense of them all. Yes I know you can click to only show the ones in a particular category, but especially in the economic category, there are still so many that easily spotting relevant ones is hard.
Are you kidding me? America sent 4 or 5 apostles and 10 missionaries in to my civ and couldn't change a single one of my cities. I had 3 inquisitors to stop them. That's it. If you're getting converted you aren't doing enough to defend yourself. If your city isn't tiny it will take missionaries all their charges to convert you. They need to make it possible to wipe and oppress other religions or the religious victory becomes impossible.

I think I've covered this a few times now, but of course not everyone bothers to read a thread at more than a cursory level before they comment, so let's take it from the top:

The flaw in the example provided above is in taking for granted that a religion is already sufficiently established to be spread to multiple cities. So, by the time America came calling there was a passive defense against religious warfare: numerous cities exerting religious pressure. It's fortunate that they waited so long. Newly-founded religions don't have multiple cities converted, and it's likely they won't have the means to have acquired "only" three inquisitors.

It should be possible to snuff out an opposing religion just as it's possible to wipe out another player completely. But it shouldn't take just one missionary at an opportune moment, no more than it should take a single soldier to take out a capital.

In general, it's disappointing that Civ VI copies Civ V without some much-needed improvements. There need to be means for keeping civ's who aren't at war from just endlessly spamming religious units and blithely ignoring each others' borders.
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