What is missing in civ6 that you would like in civ7?

if a revolution pulled a significant proportion of your cities into a new civ, that would basically be a re-roll. the support for this mechanic idea seems evergreen, but I can’t understand it; it would basically ruin a game if it ever happened to a player.

I think, in this situation, the player should have the possibility to form a union and let the AI run the peripheral state(s) while still having great influence over their foreign policy and recieving some resources/tax from them.

It doesn't have to be an all negative thing. Some power is lost in the details (direct control of units & cities), but it could even be the start of a union that will eventually become richer than the original nation.
Advanced diplomatic options when dealing with other civilizations, city-states and barbarians. So far you can't team up with barbarians to fight a common foe, or negotiate passage through a city-state's borders. And if I recall correctly (been a while since I played Civ6) can't warn other civilisations not to settle near you.
I want the city state mechanics from 5 back. It was a hell of a lot more nuanced and interesting than spam envoys for bonus
1. Economic Victory
2. Civs -
Murri I guess
3. Diplomatic Marriages
4. Family members being immortal
5. Dual Capitals for some civs (Rome i guess)
6. Some leaders
7. More Diplomatic options
8. More ideologies
if a revolution pulled a significant proportion of your cities into a new civ, that would basically be a re-roll. the support for this mechanic idea seems evergreen, but I can’t understand it; it would basically ruin a game if it ever happened to a player.
Not if this is included in normal gameplay, for example you WILL have collapses whatever you do.

For example :

You have a stability meter like 0/1 or 4/8 or 8/8, the number at the right being the number of your citizens, and the number on the left being your stability points generated by specialists. You don't have such a meter if you don't have a state. If you are 8/8 for example, or even 10/8, you still have a chance your state collapses at the favor of an event (natural disaster, declaration of war, etc.) or per turn, say 1% chance per turn. (so 1 good chance of collapse every 100 turn) It could be higher if this depends only on events, and depending on the frequence of them. (say 10% chance per event if they are likely to happen like 10% chance per turn, or per year)
Obviously, the percentage of chance of a collapse happening will be higher if you stability is not 100%. It could be 50% per turn (for example) if you are at 0 stability points for example. (no matter the number at the right in that case) If you are at 2 stability, the number on the right will start to count. I'm not a mathematician or programmer but it could be something like a function that gives results between 1 and 50% depending on the ratio of your stability vs your population points. Not sure about the curve shape though. I guess it should be a curve where the 50% are not far when your stability is low or very low, and not far from 1% when your stability is high or very high (up to 100%). And not sure about the accent of this curve either, considering one could easily obtain 10% stability by having 2 stability points out of 20 population points. So make the 10% stability pretty close to 50% collapse chance still. Or simpler, it could be a line. Like, if you are at 50% stability, for example 4 stability points out of 8 population, you would have 25% chance of collapse per turn or per event.
Thing is, maybe for each collapse, you gain free stability points ? To the point you collapse less and less ? Or, you could gain immunity of collapse for events you've already collapsed to ? Hmm I don't know. Or, maybe in modern times a state that collapses will be immediately "retaken" by another form of government you wouldn't have chosen ?

See, the possibility are plenty. Hard thing is to choose between all of them. :crazyeye:
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I want the city state mechanics from 5 back. It was a hell of a lot more nuanced and interesting than spam envoys for bonus
How so? In Civ 5 the wealthiest civs buy off all the city-states, making it impossible for other civs to get an alliance by the late-game
I want the city state mechanics from 5 back. It was a hell of a lot more nuanced and interesting than spam envoys for bonus
Can we at least keep the unique suzerain bonuses? Those are the best parts of the city-states.
3. Diplomatic Marriages
4. Family members being immortal
I'd love for this to be bonus whenever you adopt a monarchy government.
Unique suzerain bonuses were too powerful and too random (never could count on what CS would spawn and where). They were “too special”, their powerful, permanent, empire-wide bonuses are things that should be policy/civic bonuses; a mechanic that is more stable and dependable. Unique CS bonuses feels like something that should be an optional game mode.

As with many things, I think the Community Patch for civ 5 has the best iteration of city-state diplomacy. Like civ 5, there are 5 types of city-states and Influence is a meter that fills and decays each turn. There are both per-turn and envoys that give instant lump sum amounts of influence. Unlike base civ 5 and civ 6, the envoys are civilian units that consume strategics, so they have to move around the map, they’re capturable, and you can only build a limited number at a time. Influence also Decays exponentially, so the more total influence you have with a CS, the faster you lose influence each turn. It’s a much better system than the flat stacking of permanent, teleporting envoys.
I would like (if at all possible) game mode where
AI did walk in real time with a human player. Simulation of an online game. What would be a timer, as in an online game. It would be really something new and interesting.
Here's a few things I would like to see in the next installment.
1 Realistic Graphics
The Robot Chicken-like graphics and animations can be charming. But I would like to return to a more real-life look. Such as what we had in Civ-V. I would like cities to show citizens moving about. I was a big fan of the SimCity series. I would like that kind of realism for Civ 7. I would like to see roads and later highways connecting cities and Civilizations. Planes(when airports are constructed) flying to and from.

2 Rethink Religion
The Religion system should be more historically based. Where as even in ancient times, many major Civilizations had populations with a diverse sets of beliefs. Not only did this come from migrating peoples. But the major belief systems were borrowed from others. Religious philosophies were being traded and peddled in antiquity times. So I see religious beliefs and philosophies traded between Civs. And also adopted from City-States. Maybe even learned after clearing Barbarian Camps.

3 Towns
After settling a full city. Lets have a portion of the populations form small towns. These towns can grow and evolve into new cities.

4 Starting Era and Duration
I move for an earlier starting age. 6000 BCE would be an ideal start if we want to start with full cities. 8000 BCE would be ideal if we want to start with camps and towns.
The year increments should be reduced to about 10 years per turn. This give our Civs more time to develop and prepare for later eras.

5 Settling Cities
How frustrating is it to see a nice plot of land to settle. Then not being able to put a city there because it's too close to another City's borders. This is where we should go back to the mechanism of Civ-III. Where any land outside borders is fair game. I would like to bring back settling cities inside our own Civ borders. This was another great feature of Civ-III that should return.

6 Black Market
Illicit trade has been around for a very long time. I would like to see how this can be worked into the Civilization series... Each Civ, City State, Barbarian Outpost can produce Peddlers. . The Peddlers sell "obtained" goods and services. Goods including Narcotics, Booze, Fabrics, Weapons etc. Services can be hired to perform certain functions. Services and goods that can persuade Civs to join an alliance, agree on a resolution etc. An offer that can't be refused.

7 Playing as Barbarians
How many would like to play the part of marauding bands of invaders, scavengers, and ransackers. Best known as Barbarians. I would certainly like that option. We start the game with an outpost, battle units, and a Peddler unit. We send our units to attack/raid cargo ships and storehouses. The Peddler Unit then sells these goods to any Civ, City State, or even other Barbarians. Thus the creation of a Black Market
Speaking about civ who should be add, I am missing a lot civ from the tier Blacks Outside Africa.
An important empire as Haiti never was in game before, and I also they could add others civs as Palmares or Ahmadnagar Sultanate.
Also could have Seminoles leading by Black people as John Horse.
Haiti I agree with. Palmares may have a case, but a VERY low priority. If India gets, "deblobbed," it will likely only still be into 3 or 4 civ's and a few key city-states, and the Ahmadnagar Sultanate doesn't even remotely compete for such a slot in any historical relvance, importance, or well-known quality. I imagine such an inclusion with only a few slots would be unpopular in India. If the Seminole appear, it should definitely be Osceola leading them.
I'm not sure either one is perfect. Ideologies were very limited in 5, but they worked better than 6 in that you had to think about where you were putting your culture points instead of just spraying them everywhere.

6's policies had a lot more flexibility and options, but again you only had to think about "which options do I want active right now", as which policies you were "researching" felt a bit arbitrary and not like a super important decision.

I'd love to see the strengths of both combined. More options than 5, and the idea of "government types" just felt neat and more "historical' overall. But try and keep the "this decision actually matters" by making it a real investment in the culture you have, rather than just something you can swap out almost for free as you go along.

Maybe if the government type you went with cost a lot of culture points, and changing policies at all cost culture points, or hapiness, or some sort of resource... as well differentiate the policy tree from the tech one even more. Any sort of policy tree should feel like it really matters what unlocks you're getting, unlocking the whole policy tree, or even half of it, shouldn't even be possible most games.
I think a new system for these political and social advances and intricacies should be constructed wholesale for Civ7, myself.
let's start at the very beginning: may I please have a "play now" option which simply launches a game with all of the settings from my previous game?
I agree.
A revolution/civil war mechanic.

I actually really like the idea of using the unhappiness system from old world, which basically functions like a "revolt" timer. Then, give us the choice to play as the revolutionaries or the loyalists.

I think, in this situation, the player should have the possibility to form a union and let the AI run the peripheral state(s) while still having great influence over their foreign policy and recieving some resources/tax from them.

It doesn't have to be an all negative thing. Some power is lost in the details (direct control of units & cities), but it could even be the start of a union that will eventually become richer than the original nation.

I have proposed something similar to these two options. In fact, I think, in regards to far-flung, continent-spanning civ's, regarding of which civ they are, this could replace Post-Colonial construct civ's starting in game, and could even, if done right, allow later entry into multi-player games.

World congress
I think the whole World Congress should be done away with entirely. If one looks at the success of the League of Nations, the UN, and various internation cooperation initiatives, a World Congress as portrayed in Civ5 and Civ6 is just as fantastic as zombie acopalypses and vampires...
The only thing I can think of for now is bring back various Barb levels
I agree.
I view it more like how you might play Rhyes and Fall as Rome, set up a bunch of cities in France, planning to switch to them the entire time. Like, I want a revolution mechanic that isn't optional, it will happen every game, but you as the player know this and will plan accordingly. I see it more as adding world building and dynamism to the game.
From everything I can gather about Rhyes and Fall, it has a very scripted historical narrative - often jarringly and arbitrarily. While this does make a decent mod for those who want it, it should not be engrained into the base game.
1 keyboard controls for every option including numpad support for unit movement
2 better in game mod incompatibility reporter not "a mod is incompatible with this game version please remove one or more mods before playing"
instead it should have. "A mod is incompatible with this game version " Real Vampire" is conflict with the current game version consider removing or " Real Vampire" is in conflict with Real Roads consider removing or changing mod priority.

I agree, wholeheartedly.
Advanced diplomatic options when dealing with other civilizations, city-states and barbarians. So far you can't team up with barbarians to fight a common foe, or negotiate passage through a city-state's borders. And if I recall correctly (been a while since I played Civ6) can't warn other civilisations not to settle near you.
This could be neat.
How so? In Civ 5 the wealthiest civs buy off all the city-states, making it impossible for other civs to get an alliance by the late-game
Can we at least keep the unique suzerain bonuses? Those are the best parts of the city-states.

I'd love for this to be bonus whenever you adopt a monarchy government.
The city-state diplomacy seems reasonable, as is.
Here's a few things I would like to see in the next installment.
1 Realistic Graphics
The Robot Chicken-like graphics and animations can be charming. But I would like to return to a more real-life look. Such as what we had in Civ-V. I would like cities to show citizens moving about. I was a big fan of the SimCity series. I would like that kind of realism for Civ 7. I would like to see roads and later highways connecting cities and Civilizations. Planes(when airports are constructed) flying to and from.

2 Rethink Religion
The Religion system should be more historically based. Where as even in ancient times, many major Civilizations had populations with a diverse sets of beliefs. Not only did this come from migrating peoples. But the major belief systems were borrowed from others. Religious philosophies were being traded and peddled in antiquity times. So I see religious beliefs and philosophies traded between Civs. And also adopted from City-States. Maybe even learned after clearing Barbarian Camps.

3 Towns
After settling a full city. Lets have a portion of the populations form small towns. These towns can grow and evolve into new cities.

4 Starting Era and Duration
I move for an earlier starting age. 6000 BCE would be an ideal start if we want to start with full cities. 8000 BCE would be ideal if we want to start with camps and towns.
The year increments should be reduced to about 10 years per turn. This give our Civs more time to develop and prepare for later eras.

5 Settling Cities
How frustrating is it to see a nice plot of land to settle. Then not being able to put a city there because it's too close to another City's borders. This is where we should go back to the mechanism of Civ-III. Where any land outside borders is fair game. I would like to bring back settling cities inside our own Civ borders. This was another great feature of Civ-III that should return.

6 Black Market
Illicit trade has been around for a very long time. I would like to see how this can be worked into the Civilization series... Each Civ, City State, Barbarian Outpost can produce Peddlers. . The Peddlers sell "obtained" goods and services. Goods including Narcotics, Booze, Fabrics, Weapons etc. Services can be hired to perform certain functions. Services and goods that can persuade Civs to join an alliance, agree on a resolution etc. An offer that can't be refused.

7 Playing as Barbarians
How many would like to play the part of marauding bands of invaders, scavengers, and ransackers. Best known as Barbarians. I would certainly like that option. We start the game with an outpost, battle units, and a Peddler unit. We send our units to attack/raid cargo ships and storehouses. The Peddler Unit then sells these goods to any Civ, City State, or even other Barbarians. Thus the creation of a Black Market
Very good ideas (though playing as barbarians is somewhat dubious). DEFINITELY rethinking religion. The way it works now is awful, arbitrary, and cartoonish, and insulting to players who actually folloow religions, like myself.
medium territories plus medium nations such as Switzerland or Poland can and should survive ,2 creation of territories creation by conquest, or revolutions of territories , type kingdom of westphalia , 3 best of 4 in case of revolutions creation of republics , kingdoms, empires ., possibly leaderless , 5 introduction of factions then politics and consequences required and revolutions 5 restoring army stacking or possibly forts with strategic intent , better ideologies and tech tree and future technologies
medium territories plus medium nations such as Switzerland or Poland can and should survive ,2 creation of territories creation by conquest, or revolutions of territories , type kingdom of westphalia , 3 best of 4 in case of revolutions creation of republics , kingdoms, empires ., possibly leaderless , 5 introduction of factions then politics and consequences required and revolutions 5 restoring army stacking or possibly forts with strategic intent , better ideologies and tech tree and future technologies
You're veering into scripted history territory, again.
Haiti I agree with. Palmares may have a case, but a VERY low priority.
I agree that Palmares is too small for a civ, but it's a good candidate for city-state (I still think it could allow the player to buy Capoeirista by faith).
It must not simulate our history but the historical and different situations
It's a wide-open, 'what-if,' game. The vast majorties of standard games in any Civ iteration would not even end up allowing these pivotal details to be relevant, important, or likely. I've even tried playing standard games as close to historical as possible - deliberately so - and it always goes right off the rails. But THAT is part of the charm and attraction of the game. As Steve Jobs used to say, "feature, not bug."
It's a wide-open, 'what-if,' game. The vast majorties of standard games in any Civ iteration would not even end up allowing these pivotal details to be relevant, important, or likely. I've even tried playing standard games as close to historical as possible - deliberately so - and it always goes right off the rails. But THAT is part of the charm and attraction of the game. As Steve Jobs used to say, "feature, not bug."
must simulate the historical processes not the original history which may vary! And proposing non-European civilizations or discussing what a Black or White people is like you do instead of game mechanics does not improve the game or the forum!
And proposing non-European civilizations or discussing what a Black or White people is like you do instead of game mechanics does not improve the game or the forum!
Listing out a bunch of mechanics with no indication on how you intend for them to work in game also doesn't improve the game...
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