Another year gone by, has anything come of this conversation?
Not directly that I am aware of

. IMO the key thing is for someone who has the time to dedicate to it to take the initiative to try something. I've been a bit too busy behind the scenes here to add that to my list of tasks (the most visible Civ III related result of what I've done this year being he refurbishment of the War Academy, and general improvements to the
https://www.civfanatics.com/civ3/ section of the site).
Although for a while there before VII and real life took over, I was looking at getting a CCM3 and/or C3X post for the front page. I should revisit that.
Is there any broader site-wide desire to see C&C content return to the front page?
I think it's safe for me to say that YES, it is good to have C&C content on the front page, for any version of the series, including III. We're at a phase now where we've gone from zero Civ VII news to seemingly-daily Civ VII news, so that's getting a lot of front page attention for obvious reasons. But the most valuable content to highlight is content that it unique to CivFanatics, and C&C has historically been a good chunk of that.
Again, one of the main needs is essentially a citizen-journalist to compile the news. If someone created a "Civ III C&C Developments Q4 2024" thread in early January (or a full-year version), with descriptions of what's been going on, a pretty screenshot or two, and links to relevant threads for those who wanted additional details/to download the new creations, that would be an ideal format to share on the front page (and it's relatively straightforward to copy to the front page once it's in the forum). But it takes time to create that.
Not that I'm anticipating any new content released in the near future...
I thought I heard rumors of some WildWeazel-related content being released in the not terribly distant future?