• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

What thread subject do you hate the most?

What thread subject fo you hate the most?

  • Culture Flipping sucks.

    Votes: 12 18.5%
  • The Combat System sucks (the classic Tank vs. Spearman debate)

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • The AI Cheats

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • I'm Losing! It's a Bug! Fix it!

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • Corruption Sucks.

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters


Spearmen can beat Tanks!
Dec 17, 2001
Waterloo, Ontario
I realize this will probably just turn into another "I Hate Civ3" thread, but I figured that I might be able to concentrate some of the anti-Civ3 group in a single thread and keep them busy. :)
Excellent poll, my good man. Unfortunately, I cannot vote for more than one. The ones that really get me are "corruption sucks", "tanks losing to spearmen", and "culture flipping sucks". No matter what advice you give the people who start these threads, they always insist that Firaxis must fix it on pain of death, without ever trying to follow the strategies provided to alleviate most of their problem. I usually kick myself for responding to any of these threads, but I end up feeling obligated to defend the honor of "fanboys" everywhere. As to keeping them busy: In my opinion, those who ceaselessly complain about flaws in the game, are probably just upset because the game is too hard for them.:p
Eyrei, you've restored my faith that there's someone else besides me who thinks this is a kick ass game just the way it is.
Actually, my least favorite thread topic is "Firaxis are morons for not designing the game exactly the way I'd like it".
Originally posted by eyrei
No matter what advice you give the people who start these threads, they always insist that Firaxis must fix it on pain of death, without ever trying to follow the strategies provided to alleviate most of their problem.

I think I know who you're talking about. :)

I gave up a while ago posting replies like "Instead of complaining about how something works, why don't you figure out how it works and use it to your advantage?" I applaude your efforts eyrei! Keep it up!

Originally posted by Jimcat
Actually, my least favorite thread topic is "Firaxis are morons for not designing the game exactly the way I'd like it".

Sorry Jimcat, but I decided to limit the poll to five responses. I orginally had one options as "Everybody at Firaxis are a bunch of morons", but when I realized I'd missed corruption, one had to go. :mad:
Yay! More people should vote in this poll! Thank goodness there's someone out there who is as sick as I am of all these punks who are constantly whinging about a perfectly good game. One, it's just plain annoying, as everything they say has already been said. Two, why on earth would they choose to badmouth a civ game in the CIVFANATICS FORUM!? aLL GLORY TO THE Fanboys!!!
:king: :egypt: :) :D :goodjob:
Brilliant concept rdomarat, too bad that it seems to have gathered the fans, not the anti-fans. If this continues, maybe we should convert the thread to a meaningful discussion of some aspect of the game and not have to worry about those who believe that playing Civ3 is worse than eternal damnation (a comparison that I would like them all to try ASAP).

P.S. Can I vote more than once; I was torn between three choices?

Look out, all of you... you may be labled "shills of Firaxis."

The game is not perfect and it took some frustration to get used to the new system. And the 1.16 patch seems to have helped. There is another patch in the works... so quit your *****ing (please)... it is still a good game.
Don't worry. I checked the login list, and most of our favorite civ3 bashers have simply not checked in yet. I think I am off to another thread to talk about armies.
Originally posted by Fanny Brice
Wow, you can't say "*****ing.":eek:

Try missspelling it.
I would really like an option to chose all of them. This poll has got to be the hardest one I have ever attended. :lol:
After thinking it through very carefully, my vote goes to "AI cheats" because that complaint usually turns out to be something of a round up of all the others. ;)

originally posted by Anglophile

maybe we should convert the thread to a meaningful discussion of some aspect of the game and not have to worry about those who believe that playing Civ3 is worse than eternal damnation

A damn fine idéa you have there! Now, what should we discuss?

Edit: Corrected quote reference.
Honestly, I think that this game is far better than Civ II. It doesn't have the combat bugs everyone complains about. In civilization II, when I first got the game, I liked to cheat and give myself modern units in the ancient times. Yes, I lost tanks to spearmen at least as often as I have playing Civ III. And I never complained about it. It might not be a coincidence that many who complain about the combat system are the same who call artillery worthless. It must be much harder to take cities with unsupported tanks than it is with air units and artillery to back them.

I voted for the "I'm losing" complaints, however. Those really get on my nerves. I mean the game has what 6, 7 difficulty levels. If you can't win, just turn it down a notch. If you can't win on chieftain, just tie lead weights to your ankles and go swimming. :p
Originally posted by Anglophile
If this continues, maybe we should convert the thread to a meaningful discussion of some aspect of the game and not have to worry about those who believe that playing Civ3 is worse than eternal damnation (a comparison that I would like them all to try ASAP).

No. They will come anyway. I am still harboring the suspicion that a couple of them are being paid to hijack these threads
Perhaps you are on to something there, eyrei. That thought is not too farfetched at all.
What a great thread! Thank you rdomarat and eyrei! I laughed my way through this one. I wanted to vote for more than one choice too. Personally (ready for flames) I think that:
1) Culture flipping is a neat game element.
2) The combat system works.
3) The AI cannot, by definition, cheat. Whatever the AI does, them's the rules we are challenged to play by. And by the way, adding "The AI Sucks" as an associated subject, I think that the AI is an awesome programming accomplishment. I'd be frightened if it were possible for it to be as smart as I am and unlike others have no desire for that to be the case.
4) Overall I'm not losing, so no comment on this one :)
5) Corruption is a neat game element.
Originally posted by SirPleb
Personally (ready for flames) I think that:

You have nothing to worry about from me. In fact I am ready to defend you (and all other who have posted here so far) from any attacks by the dreaded "hate-boys". :)

Not that I like fighting, though, I usually try to be very nice and give advice and stuff. I would prefer an intresting discussion any day.
im actually offened by your flippent use of the term anti-fans, and i would dare to venture that these so called anti-fans havent posted here because they are also offended to some degree. No one here bought the game to be a anti-fan or a hatemonger and those that u label as anti-fans only want to see civ3 reach to potential that the game and us as the fans so richly deserve. the fact that some of the chaps are a little less constructive than others is neither here nor there

the threads that i dispise are the ones proclaiming a section of the community are right or wrong, much like this one where self proffesed fanboys are proclaming that all "anti-fans" are hate mongers and we need to all band together to fend of the inebitable attacks from the evil hated "anti-fans". this thread is the exact same/opposite as the "civ3 is AWFUL" poll. u are using the same mentality as those u are so opposed to rather than digressing :lol: to a intellegent constructive comment

i hate all threads that are not somewhat bipartisan and silly polls that are scewed to a result (Furry Spatula's poll is one of the few proper unscewed polls) and it would seem not many people are interested in posting there :( .... im not saying peoples post should be bipartisan but the poll choises should be at least

it would seem that some of u have a them and us mentality? and that is not good!!! that is very bad infact
I hate all the threads about these subjects. Let them go and whank themselves. Wheenies.

:ak47: :rocket:
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