Originally posted by Roland Johansen
All these comments on the stealth fighter vs. stealth bomber assume that the 5% chance to intercept enemy stealth missions mentioned in the editor is the actual chance to shoot down a stealth fighter/bomber bombing a city guarded by (jet) fighters. This is not true (for PTW at least, I don't have C3C yet).
After I read Fredric Drums post, I tested the stealth bomber (with the editor in debug mode) against a city guarded by 20 jet fighters and it got shot down in approximately 90% of all bombing runs. A lot of defending (jet) fighters lower the probability of a succesful bombing run. Of course an AI defended city will rarely contain a number of defending fighters this high.
If you still want to bomb an AI city defended by a lot of (jet) fighters, you might want to consider using a stealth fighter for the first bombing runs (until the defending fighters are all used for this turn). The stealth fighter has a high defence value and can actually survive an interception by enemy (jet) fighters. Also its loss will bother you less. But the best chance maybe is capturing it with land units.