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When caught out in the rain do you start running to your destination?

Do you start running when it rains?

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May 25, 2007
I understand if it starts pouring and you are wearing a good suit or something, but sometimes it just starts drizzling and people in their everday clothes start running from their lives as if the rain will melt their skin upon impact.
Maybe I still subconsciously have the elementary school mentality of it being uncool to be afraid of the rain and or run/use an umbrella.
What about you guys? (Edit: and girls, before any ********s jump on me ;)
I hate getting wet when I don't want to be.
I vaugully recall reading somewhere that you get wetter running than you do walking.
I like the rain, so I wouldn't run from it. The thing is, I never get rain. D:
you get wetter faster, but you get faster to your destination also ;)
Nope. I figure I'm going to get wet anyway so why bother exerting that much effort.
It depends on whether there are any females in white shirts near by. :mischief:
Fake a groin injury if they are actually with you.
no, i love the rain.
when i'm at amusement parks, it tends to rain. so i take my flip-flops off and skip in it. :)
Only when I need to get somewhere as dry as I can be, and it's not that far away.

Other than that, I just walk. The rain is cool.
I vaugully recall reading somewhere that you get wetter running than you do walking.

I've never believed that one.
Think about it, you've got a hundred metres to cross.
Sprint and you'll be pretty dry, but if you walk at you're normal speed you'd get drenched.
I reckon its just lazy people propaganda ;).
Saying that, I never run in the rain anyway.
I embrace it's cold refreshing touch. Unless I'm out drinking. Then it's just plain annoying.
Unless it's absolutely pissing it down, no.
No, but I generally keep my head down and look entirely miserable.

Which is generally not all that untrue--I greatly dislike rain.
No. A power walk in the rain makes you look completely awesome.
I vaugully recall reading somewhere that you get wetter running than you do walking.

mythbusters said that. But next season they revisited and found out they did the study wrong. So mythbusted, running is better.
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