When do we get a peak at GOTM 07?


Dec 1, 2005
Just curious when we might get a sneak peak at what is coming for next month. Hopefully the difficulty will be up to at least Monarch again :D

we want more
The pre-game discussion has begun on the 26th for the last three GotM's, and it's only the 23rd now. Have patience. :)
Yeah - I'll post it in the next day or two.

In the mean-time, I'll give you a clue:

Spoiler Read this is you want some early info :
Its a map, with some terrain on it. The civs you play is one of them that has a unique unit, and some traits. There are other civs competing with you as well. :)
Rofl, that was great. :lol: This will definitely be treasured info for the upcoming game
Awesome spoiler. Very powerful! :D

I hope my reading it does not disqualify me in this next round. :lol:
Armed with that knowledge, I think I'll start the game by doing something with one of my units and then something else with the other unit. Depending on what I find, I may start researching something. My goal will be to win either by conquest, domination, diplomacy, culture, spaceship or time...

If there's one thing I learned around here, it's that it's imperative to have a plan when playing this game!
hey, that was a spoiler information, you are not to reveal it until the first spoiler 500 AD arrives
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