When to switch governments?

I cranked up the game again. I immediately began moving units towards my southwestern towns and dropped into Anarchy. My plan was to get into Republic and attack Izzy.

I drew a 7-turn Anarchy and Otto immediately declared war on me. The best laid plans . . . He captured an undefended town with a lone archer, and wouldn't you know it? It was the one that had my ivory! I recaptured the town about 3 turns later when some units (other than Legionaries) arrived there. Once Anarchy passed and I was in Republic, I moved military units out and began attacking in earnest. A legionary triggered my GA, and I'm off and running. I sacked 1 or 2 German cities and then accepted their envoy. Turned down peace the first time and sacked a couple more. The second time around, they threw in their tech and gold, so I accepted peace.

During the war, however, Izzy shipped a settler off into the tundra to my NE, so now I'll have this one hamlet at my back while I fight the war with her. I can see settler pairs running around looking for places to settle and see that her empire is beginning to really swell. Time to go capture the Pyramids now.
It didn't. It did, for a time, house a few of archer sympathizers. Like many Spanish towns, it was razed and resettled last night. The Spaniards are no more, and I am now the proud owner of both the Pyramids and the Great Lighthouse. I've made contact with the Mongols and the Koreans. The Germans are down to 3 or 4 cities on my continent, but that won't last much longer, either.
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