Where is my resign button?


Nov 11, 2006
Where is the resign button? :confused:

I want to see, how the history played out in my not completed game.
Sadly, the history of the game isn't played out for you at the end any longer. I definitely miss it. That was half the fun of winning a game.

Anyhow, without that playback or the majority of the statistical screens, there's really no compelling reason to have a resign button. I guess if you wanted to see how your score ranked overall in your hall of fame it could matter.
Sadly, the history of the game isn't played out for you at the end any longer. I definitely miss it. That was half the fun of winning a game.

Anyhow, without that playback or the majority of the statistical screens, there's really no compelling reason to have a resign button. I guess if you wanted to see how your score ranked overall in your hall of fame it could matter.

what!? No history or statistics of the game? Not even when you win the damn thing? That was a very important feature for me :(

I also used it a lot to see, how the different maps looked so I could find my favourite map type. Now I just have to guess? Man...!

And yes, it was really half the fun of winning! Seeing how your empire starts as a little blop in the corner slowly conquering the whole world!
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