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Where is the code that effects barbarian spawns?


Jun 19, 2010
Loving the mod but the dragons and OOS issues in game are causing me issues. I have been looking through the XML files and I can't really find code that I think is determining the barbarian spawn rate or the dragon spawn rate. Could anyone confirm which files (I am assuming its part of a SDK file perhaps?) where the code that effects this function.
the actual code is in CvGame::createBarbarianUnits(), but you can fully mod the spawning in XML via the tags <iAppearanceProb> and <AppearanceTechs>. If you want to disable a Unit from Spawning, just set the AppeareanceProb to -1000. There are examples like Lion Pride in Assets\Modules\Normalmodules\Animals\animal_Civ4unitinfos.xml
Thanks Sephi for pointing me in the right direction. I will have a go and see how it works.
Could we have the "ALL OUT TO GET ME" where barbs and animals are allied and don't attack each other and after so many turns (+200 to +400 random) They all rush the empires.
Glad to see someone is looking at this. I'm a fairly experienced player that just started with Wildmana and my biggest struggle at the start has been with those nasty little goblins. Early on, when one of those little warrior/warrior/archer stacks parks itself next to my city, I'm looking at a major production crisis as I will need to throw multiple units at them. And later it does not seem to do much good to clear the forts, since they rebuild almost immediately.

I don't have Barbarian World or Raging Barbarians turned on, so I'm guessing this is normal. In the GlobalDefineAlt file I see a series of settings that pertain to the spawn rate that are set to 100. I'm assuming I can just edit those down, but it's not clear just what I'm doing. Some say SPAWN and some SPAWNFREQ.

I see there are some values in the Handicaps file that pertain to the radius separating spawning sites and the turns when spawning occurs. I wonder whether Wildmana is using these or something else. Seems like I get about 20 turns before the map starts to fill up with goblins and animals.
I changed the SPAWN and SPAWNFREQ values to 50 and things are OK now. I still wonder what the difference is.
SPAWN is maximum barbarians density, SPAWNFREQ is how fast barbarians respawn. 50/50 is equal to tamed wilderness gameoption.
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