Where to order?


Aug 2, 2005
I pre-ordered today after god knows how many rants on the changed graphics, different system, system requirements, and everything else i could find to rip into the game before it even came out. It feels damn good to know the day this game comes out i am going to be able to waste my time playing the best, most addictive game in the history of the universe.

Thank you Sid Meier for all the hours lost in history, rewriting history.

P.S. You should pre-order as well, just so you can complain about how bad the graphics will be and how it won't run on your computer once you get it.
I would LOVE to pre-order it, but from Hungary it is not a simply task - can you help as from where can a Hungarian order? Amazon does not ship to Hungary...
try Gamestop.com or EBgames.com
I have read that there will be a special pre order addition that you can get from participating retailers, does anyone know who is participating? :help:
I'm not sure I read that you can get it at Best Buy, but I was there today and they don't have it yet.
I do not have a complete list of all participating retailers.

However, the special Pre-Order edition (complete with spiral-bound manual, fold-out tech tree poster, and handsome faux-leather case) may be yours for the low, low price of $49.99 at Gamestop.com.

Look here: http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product_id=646074

Remember: I'm not a video game, but I play one on TV.
Instead of creating a new thread, does anyone know how long we have to pre-order the game before they cut us off (e.g. a deadline date)?
anyone know if these places take preorders in store and will give the preorder version out? i'm worried i'll be impatient when the release date comes around and not want to wait for shipping. (and i don't want to play anything more than the cheapest shipping price.)
Ah, m15a, I feel your pain. I, too, am impatient to caress the "leatherette" covering. I, too, refuse to pay $6.99 for shipping (or the exorbitant $15.99 next-day air fee!). I, too, wish to burst into my nearest retail outlet, an aura of golden light suffusing my body, and receive my Pre-Order Edition at the greatest possible speed merely by waving a valid ID and uttering my Confirmation Code of Power.

Fortunately, EB Games certainly has the opportunity to reserve your Pre-Order Edition for In-Store Pickup, provided that you retrieve your game from them within 48 hours of the release. As a bonus, your credit card will not be charged until you actually get your game, so I urge you to invest that $49.99 in some profitable security for the intervening month. I believe Gamestop has a similar in-store pickup feature. You should find the relevant links above.
good news. thanks oxonian. now to find the most accesible gamestop/eb games for my commute from work. (just realized that the release date listed is a monday (10/24) . . not looking like a good work week for me . . . )
...and I still don't know how I could order the game form Hungary so I would have it in October...
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