Which Dynasty Warriors should i buy for the Xbox


Apr 20, 2002
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss
My flat mate and i have finally chumped together to buy an Xbox. Now i want to buy one of the Dynasty Warrior games.. but the reviews i have found on the net really didnt point me between 3,4 or 5.

Anyone out there played + enjoyed them?
I own 3 and 4, they are both great games. I haven't had the chance to play the 5th one, but I would advise you buy that one.
any reasoning.. the reviews put 3 as the best. How does 3 and four differ? do the graphics improve as thr series go?
3 is great 4 is average and 5 is pretty good. If graphics matter go with 5, but the best game is 3.
They are all pretty much all exactly the same game except they improve graphicly and add more features as the go along so I recomend 5. It also has Cao Pi(Cow pee).
I'd go for 5, more characters and a cooler intro movie.
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