Which game setup is your favourite?

Standard is just a regular game, standard resource distribution (like some people have none of horses).
Balanced means all players have all strategic resources near their starting position but eliminates Marble from the map.

Flat: default in Great Plains, you can't get off the sides of the map
Cylindrical: default in Continenents, Terra, Pangaea, you can go round the world on the west and east sides
Toriodial: default in Fantasy Realm, you can go round the world on all 4 sides
Most fun game for me so far was a little while after I downloaded SmartMap.

Small, round no fragments pangea map, 18 civs (yes, 18), SmartMap all grassland, no peaks, lots of rivers, and very high levels of resources and goody huts.

That was fun...
Enigma256 said:
Huge, 12-18 Civs, Marathon

not really, 1GB works just fine, although in late game there is about a minute between turns ;)

i guess you have to make it your duty to unify the rable under one fist. :D

by modern era there are about 8-10 civs left. hehehe
terra is latin for what we now refer to earth.

terra = earth like maps. like continent amount, size, and variation ove terrain
continents = depending on the settings, you can have certain amounts of them and certain amounts of civs to each continent.
in Terra all Civs start on the same continent, but there is another continent that is empty (actually, full of barbarians, but you get my point :))
"Toroidal" technically refers to a "torus" i.e. a donut. I think it's also only allowed on maps where there are no poles (I think lakes, inland sea, great plains, etc. but I've only played terra maps and haven't been able to tell it to go toroidal).

As for myself, in Vanilla I liked Large/Terra/Low Sea Level/Noble/9-12 Civs/Raging Barbs/Catherine but in Warlords I play "/"/"/"/"/No Barbs/Ragnar because the barbs are so much more persistent in Warlords.

Regarding difficulty, I used to play Civ III on Monarch all the time but haven't moved up from Noble in Civ IV because I'm too lazy to adjust my strategies for a more difficult AI and I don't like being surprised with whatever bonuses the AI may get.

I'm going to start a Huge Fractal map on Prince after I'm done nuking the AI on this map though. :goodjob:
Enigma256 said:
in Terra all Civs start on the same continent, but there is another continent that is empty (actually, full of barbarians, but you get my point :))

Thanks a lot.
Now i don't have to start a new game just to find out.
I like large/18 civs/marathon/prince. Everything else random. I like the challenge of not knowing what terrain I'm going to get and nor which civ.
Regarding the custom continents, if I selected "One Per Team" and select 6 AI, will this put all 6 AI on one of the six continents, or will each AI start on a separate continent?
My settings are:

Small Great Plains, Flat
Either Quick or Marathon settings
Random Leader

Number of civs - anywhere from 1 to 8 depending upon my mood.
Always a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, or 8)

Occasionally for grins and giggles I fill the board up with civs and do 16.

No city razing
No barbarians

Technology Trading depending upon mood sometimes I keep it on other times I disallow it.

No tribal villages

Time victory turned off, all others on (though with no city razing it would be almost impossible to get to a complete elimination of all other civs before getting a domination win).
large maps/gigantic/ continent/hhigh sea level/noble
most of the time churchill
I play Hot Seat/Noble/Random 10 civs/Pangea or Terra/All victories.

Or on my own I try Noble(or higher if I feel brave)/Random12s/Random Map/All victories
I recently started to play on Shuffle and that's something I'm glad I did it just make the game more enjoyable and challenging.

So, shuffle/standard/epic/monarch.
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