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Which Genocidal Maniac Are You?

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001

My results:

Sieg heil, you're Adolf Hitler!

Quite possibly more famous than Jesus, you masterminded and helped orchestrate the biggest war crime of the twentieth century. Twelve million people were killed in your infamous death camps - which will label you as one of the most evil men ever for all eternity.

Not only did you gas people and cook them in massive ovens, you also performed all kinds of horrible experiments on them - experiments that could never be allowed before, or since.

On the other hand, you gave the world highways and the Volkswagon Beetle. Go figure.

I don't like this one. Sorry Grey Fox. Maybe if I'd gotten better results, but.... no.
Another funny quiz!

What bird did the Soviet Union like best? That's right, you're Josef Stalin!

Stalin's actually a stage moniker - your real last name is Dzhugashvili, but you changed it for political reasons. These days, someone called Stalin wouldn't reach power either; following the death of Lenin in 1924, you decided to be a big old fascist, declaring it to be roughly the same as socialist democracy anyway.

Unfortunately, the Chechens didn't particularly want to be part of your social-fascist state, and continually revolted from 1918 to 1944, demanding their freedom. You then wiped out 35 to 50% of their population. (Chechnya is still demanding to be free today, and had been demanding to be free before the Soviet Union was established. To date around a million Chechens have been forced to leave their homes.)

You ruled with an iron glove and a teflon moustache until your death in 1953, scaring the pants off America and pretty much everyone else in the west. Pretty good going, for an evil dictator.


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lol, I'm Ariel Sharon! :lol: This is hilarious... (not that I condone genocide... I just never considered him a maniac)

A solemn "shalom" to you. You're Ariel Sharon!

You're the current Prime Minister of Israel, responsible for the killings of numerous Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli army and police forces, not to mention the illegal destruction of Yassir Arafat's HQ. But check this! You were also the Minister of Defence in 1982, when Israeli forces brutally massacred Palestinians in two refugee camps on the outskirts of Beirut non-stop for over thirty hours.

Regarding your current actions against the Palestinian people, you recently said: "In wartime, you don't have to expose everything to the world, to stand in public and reveal everything, in the name of that hypocritical and lie-filled concept known as honesty." In other words, you're not going to say what you're doing, and you might even lie about it.
No-one else got Saddam yet? Now I feel worse :vomit:

Very fitting. :evil:
Originally posted by Plexus
You're the current Prime Minister of Israel, responsible for the killings of numerous Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli army and police forces, not to mention the illegal destruction of Yassir Arafat's HQ. But check this! You were also the Minister of Defence in 1982, when Israeli forces brutally massacred Palestinians in two refugee camps on the outskirts of Beirut non-stop for over thirty hours.

Regarding your current actions against the Palestinian people, you recently said: "In wartime, you don't have to expose everything to the world, to stand in public and reveal everything, in the name of that hypocritical and lie-filled concept known as honesty." In other words, you're not going to say what you're doing, and you might even lie about it.

So if making this site isn't bad enough they have to spread disinformation and propoganda as well? :rolleyes:
G-Man: Yeah, that's what I thought too when I saw it....
Originally posted by G-Man

So if making this site isn't bad enough they have to spread disinformation and propoganda as well? :rolleyes:

I guess neo-nazis and stalinists would say the same things :rolleyes:
Originally posted by tonberry
I guess neo-nazis and stalinists would say the same things :rolleyes:

Except they'll rely on their stupid conspiracy theories and not on facts.
It is a bit odd - not that I'm a fan of Sharon, but I wouldn't have lumped him in with Hitler and Stalin. And so what if he said he would lie in wartime - so has every other war leader (or any good one!). I don't think the Allies snet Hitler an airmail saying 'Just to let you know we're invading Normandy next month'.

Also, the info on Stalin is pretty lame - calling him a fascist and singling out the treatment of the Chechens as his biggest crime.
Originally posted by Supernaut
Also, the info on Stalin is pretty lame - calling him a fascist and singling out the treatment of the Chechens as his biggest crime.
He was a fascist... Communism is just an economic system, it works in a democracy too.

But stalin was a fascistic dictator. He ruled with an iron fist, until his death.
I'm Josef Stalin!

Mmmmwwwhahahaha! :evil:
Quizzes like these usually have a very limited amount of dictators, and tend
to be based knowledge shortly seen on CNN. Doesn't seem to be cunning enough for me
to participiate.
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