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Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?

Grey Fox

Master of Points
Dec 19, 2001

My result:

Holy Voltron rip-off, you're Megazord!

You own being huge. You are the hugest guy around, without a doubt. Even really huge people whimper at your hugeness. And you are made of really huge robot dinosaurs. Huge. You are so huge it takes five power rangers to control you. And you can mash anything. Even mounds of foam rubber the size of cities. Because you're huge. Sorted.

Can it, I'm Bender!

In the robot world, you are a bit of a lightweight in the colossal death league, but you do mutter "kill all humans" in your sleep - and after all, it's the thought that counts. We love you because you drink, steal, smoke cigars and gamble away things that aren't even yours. You've got what it takes. You're the right stuff.


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Hey ho, you're Calibretto!

Kick. Arse.

Five metric tonnes of hulking, steam powered robo-meat, you are the pin-up boy for death robot technology. Although you are in fact a war golem, you know how to use a minigun, and you can benchpress small settlements. Relatively new to the colossal death robot scene, you were first pencilled by comic legend Joe Maduriera in 1998. Sensitive, stylish, and yet still massive, if you were female and not made of iron I would probably propose to you.

You are Gigantor!

Born in 1963, You are possibly the original colossal death robot, being one of the patriarchs of the current crop, and definitely an advocate of old-skool enemy-bashing. Why use a clumsy particle weapon when you can create supernovas just by flexing your arms? Your one minor weakness is that you are entirely dominated by some kid with a remote contol - still, don't let it get you down. You can sink a nuclear submarine with jazz music.

Fear me for i am:

Holy Prime Directive, you're Robocop!

Well, you're neither colossal, nor technically a robot, but your arthritic lurching and dubious morals have found their way into the hearts of futuristic rebels and children everywhere. You walk through fire, catch bullets from the air, and you never, ever smile. Combine this with an abstract, almost random concept of duty and honour, and you have a police officer one cannot fail to adore.

Thank you, Robocop.

You can protect the innocent with the following police badge:

You are Optimus Prime!

Vast, red and ready to turn into a lorry at the slightest provocation, you are a robot to be reckoned with. Although sickeningly noble, you just can't resist a good interplanetary war, especially when Orson Welles is involved. You have friends who can shoot tapes from their chests. Tapes that turn into panthers. And other friends who are dinosaurs. Dinosaurs who jump out of planes. Will you have my children?

Tell the world you're an Autobot with the following non-heat-sensitive sticker :


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I always wondered about Optimus Prime. I mean, you wouldn't think that transforming into a big rig would be all that useful in battle, would you? At least Megatron could turn into a jet that can shoot missles and stuff. It seems like the only advantage OP had was that he could transport around any hapless human they saved.
That's the thing Napoleon... the AutoBots were peaceful. They were all vehicles. Transportation vehicles.

While the Decepticons where War machines.
megatron turned into a handgun as the toy and on the tv show, that was cool :goodjob:
Originally posted by Switch625
You are Gigantor!
...You can sink a nuclear submarine with jazz music.
I got the Gigantor thing, too.

Sink a sub with jazz? Now that's talent. Must've been fusion...
gobots was better. the good guy was a jet and the bad guy was a motorcycle.
Originally posted by ejday

Anybody remember the "micronauts"?

I may have brand confusion, but I think that was the first toy I took a screwdriver to. Priceless little electric motors in them, right?
Originally posted by Sean Lindstrom
I may have brand confusion, but I think that was the first toy I took a screwdriver to. Priceless little electric motors in them, right?
I don't remember motors, but they were a pretty big line of toys. Could've been.

I remember some of the bigger guys had magnetic ball-joints for shoulders and hips. The little guys had colored, semi-transparent bodies and these odd silvery heads. Maybe a little early inspiration for James Cameron?
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