Maybe I just have wierd luck, but since switching to BTS the technologies given up by tribal villages seem less random. Even when trying to get as many different technologies from goodie huts as possible by reloading, I seem to never get priesthood, bronze working, pottery, mathematics, alphabet, etc. I understand why they wouldn't want to give up meditation, polytheism, monotheism, or code of laws for free (which I also have never gotten), but not these others. Here are two examples of this, in which I've researched mysticism -> meditation -> polytheism -> monotheism -> priesthood (unless I started with mysticism, of course).
Although the free techs appear to not be randomized, they still are as indicated by sailing appearing in the middle of the second but not the first. What has been particularly strange about my luck is that aesthetics almost invariably comes next in line for free after I have writing (whether I research it or get it for free). What's even stranger is that horseback riding never seems to come before aesthetics regardless of what technologies I get early, but mathematics never comes at all despite costing less than horseback riding and being up at least one time earlier.
So, my question is, which technologies are possible to get through tribal villages? Also, is the algorithm for choosing amongst those available purely random, or is there some preferred order/weighting to the decision?
I apologize for the thread if this is readily-available information somewhere but I've searched everywhere, including the entirety of this forum and the pocket guide to no avail.
Although the free techs appear to not be randomized, they still are as indicated by sailing appearing in the middle of the second but not the first. What has been particularly strange about my luck is that aesthetics almost invariably comes next in line for free after I have writing (whether I research it or get it for free). What's even stranger is that horseback riding never seems to come before aesthetics regardless of what technologies I get early, but mathematics never comes at all despite costing less than horseback riding and being up at least one time earlier.
So, my question is, which technologies are possible to get through tribal villages? Also, is the algorithm for choosing amongst those available purely random, or is there some preferred order/weighting to the decision?
I apologize for the thread if this is readily-available information somewhere but I've searched everywhere, including the entirety of this forum and the pocket guide to no avail.