Who besides me likes to play Egypt???


Nov 17, 2001
I think Egypt is one of the best civs to play...any feedback? The industious trait is a huge plus. I tried playing the Babs but could not stand waiting so long for roads and mines to be built. The first buildings I build are temples and getting a cost break is nice. It saves a lot of shields and gold not having anarchy for multiple turns in the game. Some times I change only 2 times Monarchy/Republic to Democracy. But sometimes I change back and forth from Communism or Monarchy (if not available) to Democracy durring and after wars. I also like the War Chariot as a unit. It is possible to get a golden age very early if needed. I usually attack with swordsmen if I feel like waiting. In combination with Leo's Workshop the War Chariot is pretty powerful later in the game. while trading tech and generating large amounts of gold it is possible to build up a large army of cavalry by upgrading the WC for 60gp each. They are only 20 shields vs. 80 for a Cav. Anyway these a just some observations that I have made FWIW.
I think the Egyptians are definately one of the better civs. Their traits are also two of the more useful. The only complaint is I think the UU is a bit weak. I was thinking about adding an extra point of offence. After all, why not just build the horsemen which are available as soon as the War Chariot is? A 10 point difference in the construction cost isn't a terribly big advantage.
One advantage the UU has over horsemen is that it is available into the modern era. That way you can build them up fast and with Leo's Workshop upgrade to Cav for 60gp. Just one way to do it.
My best ever empire was Egyptian...I was able to monster the Chinese early on allowing me access to every single resource I needed for the entire game. My empire was large, powerful and resource rich and thus victorious.

For me the lack of the extended period of anarchy and low cost temples is not to be sniffed at and to have such a cheap UU that looks so nice in action makes them for me one of the most interesting civilisations.
i always play persians, and research iron working ASAP, is it just me, but the ability to destroy most on the same continent before the middle ages is nice to have
yea sure their UU isn't the best and gets out dated pretty soon, but the industrious kicks ass, and also religious traits rock. I mean being able to pump out temples right away and change govs in one turn just rocks, then add the ability to connect your civs first and gain a production bonus b/c you mine faster, can there be anything else you want?

Operators are standing by, call now!!! :D
I love to play Egypt, because of the two best traits - industrious and productive. The UU isn't the best, and with the latest patch, becomes even less effective due to the inability to retreat as much. Could perhaps do with an extra point of either offense or defense (I would stick it on defense - a 3 point attack combined with 2 movement points early in the game would probably unbalance the game).

On higher levels, when happiness becomes more important, the ability to knock out those cheap temples really becomes useful.
I think the Germans have the best traits. Militaristic and Scientific just work for me.
yeah egypt rocks. probably my second favourite civ after the aztecs.

i really like their war chariots. they are basically really cheap horsemen and you can build them in such large numbers. you also get an early golden age (which is GOOD people, not bad as many seem to think).

religious is by far the best and industrious is pretty notch too. the only drawback is that you have a wee bitty of luck to rely on - if you don't start near any horses then this can knock you back. most of the time you will but every now and again it can be annoying.

plus you get to use this funky icon whenever you post! :egypt:
I have to disagree. Although Industrius is a good trait to have, Religeous doesn't really do it for me. I prefer France as with Industrius you get the extra shields and less worker times, but you also get less Corruption due to Comercial and this allows for larger empires.
I love to play as Egypt but first I always change it to Middle Eastern architecture.
Originally posted by hzm
I love to play as Egypt but first I always change it to Middle Eastern architecture.

didn't know you could do that without using the editor. i mean, obviously you can do the palace and all that but how do you change the cities and the peoples faces in game? and does it affect your starting place with regard to other civs?

In my current game, I am playing Egypt and doing very well. Industrious workers are critical for infrastructure and religious is great for war, I am in democracy now but when war begind I shift to a better fighting government in an instant if I can't carry the weariness.

Also in this particular game, Memphis got to build the Iron Works! almost 200 shield per turn - I should rename it Wonderland.... The game will be my first cultural victory as Thebes will hit the magical 20,000 mark sometime in the 1980's.
I just finished playing with the FRENCH i thought they were quite a good civ to be however UU does come quite late in game. The game started on a large map i forget is that 8 peeeps anyway at the end i was leading the russians and greeks by over 200 points which i thought was pretty good however when i won the game on the scale of what kind of leader you are i got Jon d arc the FOOL!!!!! i was most annoyed as i thought a 200 point advantage would at least get me mid level. WHY IS THIS????:aargh3:
What was your total score? This is what matters. What level where you one? This makes a difference too.
I didn't play many religious civs when I first started. I always figured that the savings of a 'few' turns was less important than the continued benefits of commercial or the immediate, though later obsolete, benefits of militaristic or expansionist.

HOWEVER. Having played the ind/rel Egypt recently... I have completely changed my mind!! WOW. Fewer workers! Changing government while in the middle of Wonder production! Secure national borders overnight! Cathedrals built yesterday!
Its funny. Playing as Egypt also resulted in my best game so far. Like Kitten, I eliminated a rival civ very early on. As Rome and I were sharing a rather nicely sized continent (as it turned out), I had everything to myself. Having resources out the wazoo allowed me to focus on my continent, so much so that I never ended up meeting anyone until the mid 1700's. It amazed me that not one AI civ ventured out across the sea to discover me sooner. By then I had so much money in my treasury, I easily caught up to the more advanced cultures through tech trading.
Ended up being a great game.

The combination of industrious and religious was fantastic. Trying to break away from those 1 turn revolts that religious civs give you is very hard.
Religius is far the best attribute and industrius is a must-have.I would prefer the hoplite:love: as VV but chariot it's ok
Besides Cleopatra was too sexy:p
I like industrious and religous too but I usually change the civ I'm playing with - currently Americans - to have those. Some of the civ city names are just too confusing. I can't even pronounce the Aztec names.
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