I think Egypt is one of the best civs to play...any feedback? The industious trait is a huge plus. I tried playing the Babs but could not stand waiting so long for roads and mines to be built. The first buildings I build are temples and getting a cost break is nice. It saves a lot of shields and gold not having anarchy for multiple turns in the game. Some times I change only 2 times Monarchy/Republic to Democracy. But sometimes I change back and forth from Communism or Monarchy (if not available) to Democracy durring and after wars. I also like the War Chariot as a unit. It is possible to get a golden age very early if needed. I usually attack with swordsmen if I feel like waiting. In combination with Leo's Workshop the War Chariot is pretty powerful later in the game. while trading tech and generating large amounts of gold it is possible to build up a large army of cavalry by upgrading the WC for 60gp each. They are only 20 shields vs. 80 for a Cav. Anyway these a just some observations that I have made FWIW.