Why are PS4 Console rules different to the PC?


Dec 29, 2007
To my way iof thinking it is as if there is a missing update on my PS4 installation but there is nothing uninstalled/not installed. I have all the leaders & all the NFP updates - so why are some policy cards in different places (most notably Industrial Zone Adjacency boost) and some leaders have different abilities (again most notably Bull Moose Teddy, who gets additional tile yield here from Breathtaking & Charming tiles, not just breathtaking and I also see additional Culture yields with this leader on the PS4

I have tried reinstalling fully on both platforms - even doing the 'hunting down' necessary on PS4 where even though I bought the NFP and all expansions you still have to 'purchase' every add-on in the NFP as they are not done automatically as on Steam PC.
What a clusterf***!
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