Why change difficulty level?


Jan 18, 2002
I don't get it. Why change difficulty level to something other than even with AI? I'm trying it now and all it does is 1) more attackers coming at you early, 2) further behind in science, and 3) aggressiveness of each civ increases for ancient and classical eras. But, and this is huge, I don't see any changes when survive those eras. Once the cities production starts cooking along, then the AI plays the same as at easier difficulty levels. So what's the point?
The point for me is the challenge of overcoming that difficult start while also trying to get a relatively fast win time, which forces me to play optimally and making tough choices, and I quite like that.
Booting up something like those monthly challenge games (prince/emperor) for instance is just too boring for me, because of there being no early challenge.
I know I can just invade straight off the bat since I'm already equal or better, and that is not fun for me.
I often don't finish the games though, since past the Renaissance era the game is pretty much decided as I steam ahead.
It’s because the ai is dumb and you need difficulty to challenge yourself
It helps counteract dumb AI decisions. It makes the wonder races more interesting. I find Emperor to be a good balance where I can still build wonders, but it can still be competitive. And it's easy enough that you have some freedom in the early game. I can usually get away with building a scout first, for example.

The best example is the challenges. I did the recent one on both Prince and Emperor. The Prince one was a cakewalk. The emperor one, at least the AI Yongle was able to accomplish something on the space race. They are still brain dead on cultural victory, however, since they just trade their great works to you (provided you have the money for them). They were actually closer than I'm used to, but that was due to the high speed setting of the game which helps AI civs. Emperor on marathon speed usually isn't tough, but due to the long build times, if they come after you, you probably can't react in time.
it's just to keep the game interesting once you've figured out how to win consistently on even footing with the AI, and challenge is how games stay interesting for some people
Once the cities production starts cooking along, then the AI plays the same as at easier difficulty levels.
That is very wrong. Settler AIs will barely start new cities.

However they will attack you if you have no army and have cities full of wonders.
They like to build wonders too, to the point I was shocked when seeing this Deity all wonders challenge done, even at the eighth try.

All in all you probably aren't so wrong. I just struggle to catch up in Deity in science, that's my main problem and obsession.
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