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Why Im Happy that Im not happy with CiV!


Feb 5, 2010
Well to start off with, my grades are so much better than they were last year! Sure Ive been playing other games to make up for not playing ciV at all since the first 2 weeks it came out, but that doesnt nearly compare with the countless hours on end Id spend playing cIV before I heard about ciV coming out. (I was done with IV as soon as they announced V, I played panzer generals when I was younger and couldnt stand playing without 1upt when I found out that would be in the new one) Im so bored with the franchise I cant help but focus on schoolwork! My overbearing Indian parents are ecstatic!!!

Not only that but I have been getting out at least 5 times as much as before, sure thats about 20 times as much money I was spending on alcohol and other drugs every week beforehand but I have actually gotten semi-popular as a result! This is amazing! If I could succesfully talk to girls above a 6/10 Id be set!!! The low-standard muff-loving taj in me hopes that they never fix this game, but the geek inside checks these forums every week in the hopes that I can come back and geek out on the game that I constantly long to veg out on...

Either way, this lame ciV game will bump up my GPA substantially enough to get into any grad school I want and hopefully make enough money throughout my life to buy out the franchise and remake the game as I see fit when I turn 55... Sorry for all you lame ciV backers, but give it 43 years and Im remaking a teenage dream!

Unless Rhye does so first, then my retirement funds will cease to exist...
Oh Im just trying to poke fun at how much more can be accomplished without being sucked into civ everyday, go along with it for crying out loud!
Its not like theres any original threads out there anyways, were all just talking about the same stuff over and over again because the games too boring to play...
Lol, yeah I have seen that one and had the pleasure of reading through it, but it is one of the few that doesnt fall into straight up bashing, praising or wondering why certain things are or arent in the game....
Which is besides the main point of my drunk thread! How much extra stuff have you guys gotten done since ciV came out? Outside of the gaming world of course...
And dont act like you actually did a lot of things beforehand, were talking about a computer game (were geeks compared to other gamers already) on a forum on the internet (that steps up our geek level at least 2x), one that we are willingly calling ourselves 'fanatics' of (thats another 5x to the geek factor)... be real...
Haha, I was thinking the same thing.

Civ 5 isn't fun enough to make me want to waste time playing video games. It's not fun at all, actually...

This civ fanatic is getting tons of stuff done while not wasting time playing Civ.

Looking back, Civ 4 wasn't that great until BtS and subsequent patches came out... maybe Civ 5 expansions can save it.
Good news. Go outside. People spend too much time on their computers anyway...
Well to start off with, my grades are so much better than they were last year!

That's good.

Sure Ive been playing other games to make up for not playing ciV at all since the first 2 weeks it came out, but that doesnt nearly compare with the countless hours on end Id spend playing cIV before I heard about ciV coming out.

What ever happened to books? They're marvelous things. Nothing in your post made me think that of course. I'm sure the time you spent playing CivIV was....valuable. :confused:

(I was done with IV as soon as they announced V, I played panzer generals when I was younger and couldnt stand playing without 1upt when I found out that would be in the new one) Im so bored with the franchise I cant help but focus on schoolwork! My overbearing Indian parents are ecstatic!!!

Are your white parents less-than-ecstatic then? How about the black parents? I ask because I'm not sure why you brought Indian up anyway. Or schoolwork.

Where is this going?

Not only that but I have been getting out at least 5 times as much as before, sure thats about 20 times as much money I was spending on alcohol and other drugs every week beforehand but I have actually gotten semi-popular as a result!

You got popular for spending for spending hundreds on drugs and alcohol? You must live on a farm.

I'm so sorry.
This is amazing! If I could succesfully talk to girls above a 6/10 Id be set!!! The low-standard muff-loving taj in me hopes that they never fix this game, but the geek inside checks these forums every week in the hopes that I can come back and geek out on the game that I constantly long to veg out on...

I'm glad you check in on your blog to see if there are comments somewhere on your blog's forum about patch notes....I guess. As for the girls part, there really isn't anything hard about talking to them. You talk to them. Preferably the sentences you would use include at least one subject and verb.

Either way, this lame ciV game will bump up my GPA substantially enough to get into any grad school I want and hopefully make enough money throughout my life to buy out the franchise and remake the game as I see fit when I turn 55... Sorry for all you lame ciV backers, but give it 43 years and Im remaking a teenage dream!

I'm pretty sure you studying more is what increases your GPA and given the economy, you'll be lucky to get a job even with your unindentifiable college focus.

Or whatever.

I can't even put a finger on your age let alone your education background so I'm going to assume high school.


Unless Rhye does so first, then my retirement funds will cease to exist...

Given how much you spend your money on trivialities, I don't think you should be worrying about retiring. Especially after they raise the retirement age and get rid of Social Security (which they will).
Abood, I understand what you are saying. It didn't work quite that way for me: I went back to Civ IV, tried some mods for Civ IV vanilla, and am spending way too much time playing Civ IV with and without mods.

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