Why is AI not improving resources?

The community here does a lot of mental gymnastics to defend the devs on this game
This is a big truth. I m so glad other members also realise it. Any of your concerns about the game may lead to personal offenses and bullying against you. Despite I never accused Devs for anything since I love their game; I encountered this kind of treatment here just because I expressed concerns about some mechanics of the game.
Becuase the AI is bad at playing the game. Sorry.
In my point of view AI has been significantly impoved with the Frontier Pass Updates. Prior the Frontier Pass updates I was beating Deity for fun; now I may even struggle in Immortal sometimes. Also consider that the percentage of players play on Deity is still little according to Steam Achievements statistics. I personally struggled very much (in Frontier Pass) to move from Immortal to Deity cuz the gap was looking huge to me. I m satisfied my efforts paid me off.
Though; I ve also noticed AI not improving luxury or strategic resources. I dont know if it is a bug or a misplay mechanic.
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The big problem I have noticed even after the January patch, is that the AI is solely building forts, all the way until they unlock solar power plants. After that, they replace all tiles with the solar farms. Do others have this same observation as well?

I feel like if the AI actually used proper improvements, they would be doing much much better.

Here you can see tyipcal AI lands.
AI not improving resources is one of many AI problems . One suggestion if you really want to enjoy this game: play multiplayer . Try to join a non quitters group of course. Even at deity AI is not smart at anything (air warfare, AI continues to build wonder even if under attack , and so on) .

I feel like the majority of Firaxis play multiplayer...
I feel like the majority of Firaxis play multiplayer...
I really hope so. I'm waiting for the april update (for me more interesting than a new civ pack honestly) in order to see how they will balance the civs . But ai is and will remain not a good opponent even at deity i am sure about that ( it's not devs fault if computers are not smarter than humans yet ....yet )
No. (see below why)
FRAXIS NEVER CREATED IT! So why compare Civ 6 with things they NEVER CREATED?
I think, it is not so important who actually creates the strongest playing version of every CIV generation, but that appropriate efforts are taken at all.

I find it quite natural, that people who love the game and want to play against relatively good (computer) opponents in the end come to the point of comparing the best incarnation of every generation.

For civ5 you see easily nominated VOX POPULI.
For civ4 you can take BBAI (Better Beyond the sword AI) - but I'm open for everybody knowing it better.
For civ6 I would now speculate the latest until now announced patch (i.e. April21) plus @Infixo's Real Strategy (AI) mod updated to that point.
however people shouldn't be highlighting Civ 6 as if it was ONLY civ game with bad Ai. Guess what without mods Ai has ALWAYS been terrible. It ain't anything new for civ 6.
It ain't anything new, but after civ4 & civ5 the unique selling proposition in AI modding will be, that civ6 has to do it without access to the coreDLL source files ... with foreseeable result.

I find it quite natural, that people who love the game and want to play against relatively good (computer) opponents in the end come to the point of comparing the best incarnation of every generation.
Your opinion might vary. There are people ( like me) who do NOT look for challenges when playing civ. Who just want to play a nice city/Civ builder.
The big problem I have noticed even after the January patch, is that the AI is solely building forts, all the way until they unlock solar power plants. After that, they replace all tiles with the solar farms. Do others have this same observation as well?

I feel like if the AI actually used proper improvements, they would be doing much much better.
View attachment 583576
Here you can see tyipcal AI lands.

I'm not sure about solar plants but I have seen the AI spend waaaaaaaaaay too much effort on putting offshore wind farms on every coastal tile possible
I am not a frequent visitor to this site so this may be more of a newbie question, but the AI is not improving a lot of luxury resources so they are constantly down in amenities which means I am just walking through them midway through the game.

I've noticed city states do the same. This may have something to do with the new game mode - Monopolies and Corporations.

Also i've noticed the AI don't rush to chop woods and rainforest now, perhaps in light of the new district - the preserve. This is a change I like cos I like to play jungle civs like Kongo, Brazil and now Vietnam. :)
Your opinion might vary. There are people ( like me) who do NOT look for challenges when playing civ. Who just want to play a nice city/Civ builder.

Which is completely fine!

However, that’s what lower difficulty levels are for.
It’s NOT an argument for an AI not capable to play its “own” game!
The mods/main game comparison is one of the most gratuitously untenable notion gamers cling to. It's not even apples and oranges, it's apples and monkeys.

1. "But modders do it in their spare time!", you say? True, but it's not actually the disadvantage you make it sound. Doing things as personal projects, in your spare time, actually comes with two massive advantages: 1)Mods don't have deadlines and 2)mods don't have budgets. The only limit on a modder's ability to put time and effort into a project is their interest in the project (and their lifespan). Mods can have staggering amount of man-hours sunk into them over the course of years, far beyond what most games can reasonably expect. Get a team together and you can easily sink more hours into the mod than could ever be put in the game. And all that without any obligation to meet, without needing to sell - meaning there is far more time to take risks and experiment, and far more room to make a mod that has considerably higher system requirements. Also, even if they do work alone, modders can rely on the gigantic knowledge pool of dozens of other modders - something game devs rarely have.

2. Major games, on the other hands, are not projects of love. They're business ventures. They have investors expecting them to deliver certain benchmarks by certain date below a certain cost, which limits development resources. They have an obligation to aim for the most sales possible (which means keeping system reqs within reason, even in the patches - so an AI improvement that requires significantly more RAM may just not be feasible at all, for example). And if they fail to turn a profit, or if the investors decide a project is too resource intensive, it's the existence of the studio that's at stake. So while they have large team of paid staff - they're limited in how much they can use them. That's even more so for patches, which don't actually bring in money.

3. Mods don't have to build any of the foundations. Self-evident, I know, but the bulk of the base work (engine, base AI, etc) is already made when the modders start their work. Not so the game makers who start largely from scratch and who have to spend significant time and energy on getting those done before they can do the fixing, refining and improving that are the bread and butter of modders.

in short, modders can and should be expected to do stuff the base game will never match. Not because the devs are bad, but because they don't have nearly the resources that modders do, and have to meet obligations modders don't.

expecting the devs to match modder work will always leave you disappointed.
Your opinion might vary. There are people ( like me) who do NOT look for challenges when playing civ. Who just want to play a nice city/Civ builder.
No, you do not "just want to play a nice city/Civ builder". Other players "wanting NOT look for challenges & want to play a nice Civ builder" is perfectly fine for me and I surely wouldn't have answered to that at all. But remember what you said:
people shouldn't be highlighting
I have the impression, that you take offence at what other players want and say, if it is different from your opinion.

This thread is about Why is AI not improving resources? and in general the question how could the AI play smarter / avoid obviously dumb actions. In that context I explained Why people compare civ6 with VOX POPULI as answer to your question.

Methinks if you really just want to play a nice city/Civ builder, then you are not much affected how the AI plays in detail and have additionally the privilege to choose from a range of difficulty levels.

In short: I do not see the necessity for you to tell other players, who prefer a different playstyle, what they shall write here in the forum about things you are not interested in.
Of course I still welcome you to discuss which civ6 version plays most smart / least dumb (now or more important Finally) or how the AI could be improved "improving resources".
1. "But modders do it in their spare time!" [...]
2. Major games, on the other hands, are not projects of love. They're business ventures. [...]
3. Mods don't have to build any of the foundations. [...]

in short, modders can and should be expected to do stuff the base game will never match. Not because the devs are bad, but because they don't have nearly the resources that modders do, and have to meet obligations modders don't.
Just a small annotation: modders can and should be featured to do the stuff [...] includes giving them the necessary tools, ie. the C++ source files of the core DLL.

Oh, I don't disagree. I very much don't disagree. The more tools modders have the better.
Honestly, the reason why the AI improves nothing is because Builders have charges. A human can plan ahead and will pump out builders nonstop to improve and chop. An AI, no matter how advanced cannot match that. They will build a pre-determined amount of builders (while neglecting the Ancestral Hall), use the charges without getting the most out of them. If builders worked like Civ5's workers did, the AI would have improved everything.

The AI sucks because the game mechanics are rigged in favour of the human player.
DEAR LORDY WILL PEOPLE STOP COMPARING CIV 6 WITH VOX POPULI MOD? Guess what? FRAXIS NEVER CREATED IT! So why compare Civ 6 with things they NEVER CREATED? It isn't even comparing civ 5 with civ 6!

Hello, sir. Do you have a minute to hear the word of our lord and savior Vox Populi mod?

Honestly, the vox populi fanbase hype this mod so much that I'm afraid of trying it, because it's quite likely that I will be utterly disappointed by the real thing, compared to what people say it is. By now, I expect this mod to turn the Civ V AI sentient and take over the world.
Honestly, the vox populi fanbase hype this mod so much that I'm afraid of trying it, because it's quite likely that I will be utterly disappointed by the real thing, compared to what people say it is. By now, I expect this mod to turn the Civ V AI sentient and take over the world.

If you want to play some Civ5 again, I would recommend giving it a try. My last games with Civ5 I solely played with it - and I got far more fun out of it than with unmodded Civ5. Alone the rework of the happiness system is great. However, all it greatness currently cannot motivate me to go back. Despite all its flaws like the AI, certain features of Civ6 like the districts on map are keeping me there.
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