Apologies for adding to a previous thread. I don't know if the developers read this, but I want to state my deep appreciation for their work on Old World. I discovered the game last month, and it is hands down the finest 4x experience I've had since the Civ2/SMAC era (my personal favorites), and Civ4 (coming in after those two). It corrects everything I see as un-fun in Civ6. Where Civ6 is a railroad, Old World is a network of roads thru a forest -- Civ6 lays down the track, and adds all the bells, whistles, stops, and stations, but with none of the mystery, dark corners, and tales of adventure, worldbuilding, statecraft. You can absolutely tell that every aspect of Old World has a lot of love and care in it, an immense attention to detail that never takes the player out from the experience. In short: the spreadsheet is "hidden," perhaps even non-existent or folded and turned into new dimensions, and this I very much appreciate.
But I also don't want to endlessly compare OW to Civ and Crusader Kings (the latter, to me, always felt like doing my taxes). OW is its own unique creature, more than a sum of those parts. The flesh and organs of it all function so well together. Player agency and decision is rewarded with good writing, and a clear passion from the makers of the game. I read every word of narrative that comes up on the screen. The characters interact, between city-states and nations, and create interesting consequences. Each turn is its own little short story told thru actions and reactions. The world is alive and unpredictable. This makes the game endlessly replayable, even with the same faction.
I am biased to an extent, as the ancient era is my favorite of any Civ game. But this here, to me, should be the future of historical 4x: focus, refinement, narrative! Amazing AI! And not shying away from the subject matter. You can tell a team put their all into this -- a team, not a committee. If that makes sense!
Steam ranking remains positive, and I hope it continues that trend -- and that the developers know how much the fans enjoy this work! Thank you.
p.s. - The music is phenomenal!