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Why is there a Viking in the opening trailer...

The helmet looks more Anglo-Saxon to me - a little ornate to be Viking. The knotwork and the ships could be either. So perhaps these are the pre-English settlers? Or we could pretend. :lol:
The helmet looks more Anglo-Saxon to me - a little ornate to be Viking. The knotwork and the ships could be either. So perhaps these are the pre-English settlers? Or we could pretend. :lol:

The shield was definitely along the lines of this:

Which is certainly Viking :crazyeye:
The shield in the trailer is a romanticization. Archaeological remains of actual shields from that era show simpler designs or the designs cannot be made out; linden shields don't survive well anyway.

The knotwork on the shield could be viking or Anglo-Saxon; there is no way to tell which except to ask the producer of the video what they were pretending that it was.

The knotwork in your post is also romanticized. I doubt it has any historical authenticity. It could be pretending to be viking or Anglo-Saxon. This is not surprising as the cultures had much in common and shared the same ethics, gods and ancestors.
This bugs me too, but I'm pretty sure they will be added in an expansion or as a DLC... :viking:
The viking shields is in it because the vikings threatened that if the civ team didnt include it they would invade fire"axis" with "axes".

I think it's an easter egg/spoiler thing, alluding to a release of the Vikings as a playable Civ? Otherwise, its inclusion would seem to be very random indeed.
So what about the Leaning Tower of Pisa and is that the CN Tower (?) on the retail box?

New wonders?
If you have ever worked for a game company you know a few things that are fact.

1. There are very distinct divisions in a game company. Programmers are programmers, artists are artists, and seldom do they interact.
2. There are 'Managers' that communicate between these divisions.
3. The Managers never communicate whatever they are communicating to the people who actually make the game (programmers, artists, etc.).
4. Because of this structure, the division that makes the movies and cut scenes are not in tune with the people who write the programming and definitely not in tune with the people who plan the game.
5. Therefore, you get what you have here, a MOVIE made by some guys that likely had nothing to do with the rest of the game and were told to "go make an intro".

CONCLUSION: You're reading way too much into the pretty pictures when your game loads up. If they come out with a Vikings civ, it is likely either an afterthought, planned all along and just coincidental, or simply one of those Managers said "uhm, let's put some Vikings in the movie, that would be cool, they are old, right?" and there you have it.

Also, WTF would a PISA wonder do? The building is a giant pile of uselessness and is actually the culmination of 177 years of mistakes! The only reason it is famous is because it is falling over, and in fact it almost did until they secretly straightened it by 1.51 degrees. There is nothing important, groundbreaking, or even useful about it. So if it does become a civ wonder, it should provide your civ with +20 gold per turn and -20 science per turn because besides generating income from idiot tourists coming to see it and taking the exact same picture where they are acting like they are holding it up, it is simply just a mindboggling testament to how stupid people are and should cost you brainpower points.

Rant over.

So what about the Leaning Tower of Pisa and is that the CN Tower (?) on the retail box?

New wonders?

Take a look at the Civ4, WL + BtS retail box, and then tell me how many of the things shown on them were not in the game.
A dozen, at least.
Didn't you know? The Leaning Tower of Pisa is that wonder that lengthens your golden ages... what do most people call it? ... ah yes, Chicken Pizza.
ok, how many people thought that it WASN'T a viking in the intro trailer. I was floored that there are no vikings just b/c of the intro. very poor attention to detail. If have odin on the cover of the expansion and don't have the vikings again then I'm gonna, um, I dunno, probably just complain some more I guess.. ;)
I thought it was a basic barbarian unit. Obviously a late classical era scene as it is a post-optics and the warriors are obviously embarked with the movie clearly demonstrating the AI's tactical competence as the embarked warriors are unescorted moving towards hostile territory.

If it was a playable unit, the demo would surely show a barbarian galley materializing from the fog and simply rolling over your embarked warriors.
That "Viking" was part of the old man's dream of his people...the same people who looked Semitic or something at the beginning and then Asian during the battle scene.

Face it, it's just a pretty movie.
I've always thought the "vikings" from the Trailer were barbs.
In the game I played recently, I was Ghandi and my first settler was in the frozen northern wastes. My people tended to take to the seas, because it was the easiest way to reach the more fertile lands to the south and west. They were also a very warlike people.

So, clearly, those Vikings in the openning cinematic are really Indian.
I wanted to ask the same question. I didn't cos I knew the answer would be there are not vikings in the trailer. This answer actually comes very well along all other lies we've been stuffed by game critics and other involved in the industry.

What I could suggest is to make a small contest - the most "creative" explanation to why vikings in the video are not vikings. We've got some already. I will add mine.

Vikings never existed so therefore there are no vikings in the trailer. These are unshaved Greeks who after 2 years spent on the ocean finally invading Incas in South America.
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