Wife Said No Civ 3 On Caribbean Vacation


Feb 15, 2005
That does not preclude me from hand-building the Pyramids.


Took me about 40 turns; 24 on the bigger one, 16 on the smaller one. I built a much bigger one the day before, and it took nearly 3 hours!
What is the monument in front of the smaller pyramid ? The Sphinx is looking different. :D
What will the other tourists say when your culture expands over their reservation towels (pun on German tourists intended! ;)) in a few turns???
Building the Manhattan Project will be a pain, somewhat.
I somehow instead read "Wife 3 Said No Civ On Caribbean Vacation" and thought... ok, let´s go on to no. 4 then... ;D
(let´s see what Lanze´s wife NOW thinks about the civ bunch... ;))
Not sure, whether it would be a good idea to move from wife 3 to wife 4: I remember, when I moved from Civ 3 to Civ4, it really sucked, so I went back to Civ 3... Same could happen with wives as well (only that divorces are much more expensive than uninstalling a computer program...)

(BTW: are we still politically correct, or do I need to call in a moderator?! :think: )
Just a quick question.

By "old timers" are you referring to veteran Civ3 posters, veteran Civ3 players or just old gits in general? I'm in the last two categories but am much amused by postings from the first.
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