Will some AI Civs even be able to progress Exploration Age Economic Legacy Path?

Even if you opened up the mechanism to work both ways, it feels like the New World civs in a default setup are at such a disadvantage that it doesn't really make sense. I'd rather they just have a different VC they aim for in that era. It might even open up some new gameplay options to create some exploration era civs with extra bonuses to defending that way.
Yes, symmetric rules wouldn't really work well imho.

If it weren't the AI we are talking about, but players in MP, I would suggest that HL civs gain economic points from bringing treasure fleets home, and DL civs gain military points from plundering treasure fleets. While HL civs gain military points from conquering in the DL, HL civs gain economic points from controlling monopolies of treasure resources for a given time.

But... I don't think the AI could deal with these.
The mandatory "New World" map cut-off scripted gameplay is one of my larger concerns with the game. I do hope patches and expansions address this in multiple ways.
It will quickly grow dull if every game's exploration age has the same narrative of "treasure fleet scramble". I feel the economic victory should be tied more to trade routes and have treasure fleets count as a bonus to that legacy path rather than be the whole legacy path.
Exactly. I’m also very concerned what happens to you during Exploration Age if you are too handicapped to launch a major fleet or is just not into a major naval based onslaught on this new world. Think tall vs wide. I assume that I’m missing some crucial information here.
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